Impel Down

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Enjoy~ A/N at bottom this time.

A large building came into view, just barely sticking out of the ocean with another handful of marine ships. They had no lights on either. Ivy landed quietly on the deck leading to a huge door. Wherever this was, she knew it was bigger on the inside. She heard screams. Worse screams than the city on the big wall she'd crossed over. It made her fur and feathers stand on end.

Was Ace one of the screaming? He was so close now.

Ivy silently padded to the huge door, and put her foot against it, lighting the whole thing on fire. She made the flames small and quiet. They would still burn the door into nothing, but this way, it wasn't super obvious.

She flew silently through the little hole she'd burned already. It was much brighter in here than outside. But the lights were dim. But she could feel and hear little things on the walls. Live things. Were they watching her?

The dragon flashed, but nothing happened that she could see. But, anyone could be around the corner, and screaming was still going strong. She couldn't kill everyone, so she'd just blind anyone who saw her. Well, it would be the last thing they saw.

Coming across a hallway, Ivy flew down it, blinking light frantically. There were people in these cells, but no one screamed as they were all asleep. She followed where she knew Ace was quietly. She was then spotted by a blue... thing. It had some sort of weapon, so Ivy didn't hesitate to light it on fire and move on.

But the thing was making quite a bit of noise. As long as she got Ace, the dragon didn't care if she leveled the whole place into the ocean. So she raised the temperature of her body like she hadn't ever before. Even worse than it had been while she melted Teach. She spread out the heat until it was like a small sun was tearing through the halls, melting the walls and wavering the air. Anyone or anything that came into contact with the dragon disintegrated. Even the snails on the walls shriveled into dust.

She had unintentionally destroyed some parts of the cells in some, so that anyone still alive after her passing was able to escape. Well, try to. The air stayed scalding where she'd come from.

Alarms began to blare, in the distance. Any alarm she passed had been destroyed instantly. Those blue monsters seemed to have no sense of self-preservation as they ran head on into her mini sun.

Soon she was out of the halls, and had flown into an open space. Forests were below her, but they were red. Then she could tell where the screams were coming from. It was the humans on the surface of this place. Then she saw that the grass was red as well. But shiny. Blood.

Was Ace being treated like this?! Just the thought had her growing hotter. Screams of men in uniforms were heard as they saw Ivy zoom across the open space above them. Guns were pointed at her. She didn't have time to deal with them, so she blinked brightly. Predictable exclamations about not being able to see anything echoed around the open space.

Ace was below this. She flew towards his presence, and didn't hesitate to plunge into a dark hole. Down and down she flew. She still scorched the walls around her, but lowered the intensity enough so it was still scalding right around her body in case anyone shoots at her, the bullets can disintegrate before contact.

Yet, she saw no one in this place. It was brighter, and warm. And barren. Very quiet. As she flew above it, she saw that most of the floor was a maze of halls and stairways, full of sand. If she weren't a dragon, the heat would be very uncomfortable.

There were strange animals below her, wandering around, or even speaking. She didn't know animals could talk! But there was no time to wonder at such things. She'd already caused a commotion so there were probably people after her now. She had to free Ace from wherever he was being kept.

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