Mind Wipe part 2

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This chapter is ridiculously short, but it needed to end how it did. I'll post the next one sooner since this one is extremely short.

Luffy still hadn't seen anyone new and it had been over a week since he first started living with Katakuri. He was nice and Luffy liked him a lot more than Pudding and hoped that the rest of his siblings were more like Katakuri was. The man was kind to Luffy when he failed at their practicing. He tried to make Luffy happy, which made him happy anyways.

It was still difficult to think of anything happy, since he still largely didn't know anything about himself. But, his big brother assured him that, even if he hadn't lost his memory, most people don't remember their childhood that young. So it was only a temporary problem. As soon as he felt good about himself again, and was used to the family, it might not even matter that he lost his memories.

Someone was coming over to their house today. Two of Katakuri's favorite brothers. He said that they were his triplet siblings, and then explained that some babies are born all at once.

The door was knocked on while Luffy had his head rubbed soothingly as he practiced with the arms' movements. They disappeared into flower petals. It was clear to both of them that pleasure and happiness was the best way to get to use his power willingly. Though, Luffy was generally shy and sad, so making him happy was a bit of work, but should be worth it in the long run.

Luffy retreated into himself and ran to hide behind the couch so those in the doorway couldn't see him. He waited for whoever it was to say something.

"Hey, Katakuri. Where's Luffy?" a deep voice asked. Luffy peeked over the side of the couch to see someone who was very big, a bit smaller than Katakuri, but still very big to Luffy. Another man came in who was also big but still not the biggest. His outfit was interesting. They all looked very different considering they were triplets, which Katakuri had explained to him about.

Katakuri give him a stern look, a warning to behave, and lead them inside, calling for Luffy to come. He slowly walked around the couch and into view of the two big men. "Hi..." he said shyly. Daifuku hadn't seen Luffy and Oven had been on the ship after Luffy was taken into the Mirror World.

"How are you feeling? We heard about the head injury," Oven said kindly, honestly impressing Katakuri. Even Oven wasn't this nice with his own blood siblings. He clearly was taking this mission very seriously.

"I... I can't remember anything," Luffy admitted. He only knew his name from the sweet commander telling him. Oven put a warm hand on Luffy's head.

"Don't worry, we'll all make new memories, right? So how is your devil fruit training going?" Oven asked, sounding genuinely interested. Luffy had been making progress, so he shared that with him. About how being happy makes him able to use a power better.

Daifuku eventually came over and sat down to listen to Luffy talk animatedly. The man introduced himself and asked Luffy some more questions about his fruit and what powers he looks forward to most.

"I wanna be able to make food from stuff. Turning invisible also sounds fun," Luffy added. Daifuku and Oven, despite partly not wanting to accept Luffy into the family, always took missions seriously.

"What power are you having the most success with?"

"The flower one. Make arms come out of places," Luffy explained as well as he could. "It only works if I'm really happy, though. It's hard to be happy sometimes, though," he admitted quietly. Oven asked if it was because of his missing memories. Luffy nodded. "I don't know anything I like or like to do. I don't remember my family."

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