Revenge and Redemption

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Here we are, at the last chapter. It's quite, quite dark and involves murder and twisted things. I hope everyone likes the ending, though. Thanks for reading! Enjoy~

Luffy stood in Pudding's living room, holding a doll in his hand. Pudding was useless to him, apparently. She admitted to being the one to wipe his memory after he chopped off one of her legs. No one heard her because he'd silenced the whole house. But, she didn't have his memories that he wanted back. Katakuri had them. He had been hiding Luffy's past from him, pretending and failing to be Luffy's family. Luffy had a loving family once, before he was taken for his power. Pudding knew nothing of Luffy's past, so she was useless, and he turned her into a toy without a second thought. A legless doll that no one remembered anymore.

"You really shouldn't have done that, Pudding," Luffy said darkly. He opened up the trash can and dropped the doll inside. He was getting his memories back, his old life back, no matter what it took. And he wanted revenge on the crew for ruining his life. He had come to the conclusion that the voice in his head was the past version of himself. He had once had loving brothers. Luffy wondered if they had missed him, like the voice had claimed.

While Luffy walked through his mirror dimension he tried to come up with a plan that would bring the Big Mom family down. Ruin them in the worst way possible. He hadn't returned home in hours. He didn't know what the ultimate plan that had been concocted to take care of him was. Didn't know if they wanted to kill him, and they surely couldn't erase his memories again. But it didn't matter what they would do, what mattered to Luffy was what they had already done.

The Charlottes and then, by default, Big Mom pirates were his enemy. And he was taught by them to take down enemies. And that was what he was going to do. Despite his past self seeming a bit clueless and innocent, Luffy had been on countless missions that he had no help with and it made him smart.

He didn't want anyone following him after destroying them. He'd kill anyone who was in his way of revenge and then freedom. Freedom to find the voice's brothers, and maybe trying to find another home somewhere. Surely his brothers, on the Whitebeard crew, would hate him for working for Big Mom.

Maybe, though, if he got his memories back and could tell them what happened to him, Ace wouldn't hate him.

Luffy first visited Brulee's house, the only other person who could use the mirror dimension. He came in through her mirror, and it was very late at night and she was asleep. He entered her room, and covered the mirrors in her house with wax. Breaking them would be loud, but he needed to talk to her and didn't feel like it was worth it to use the calm-calm fruit. He kicked her bed forcefully. "Brulee. Wake up," he said coldly. She startled awake.

"L-Luffy? What are you doing here?" she asked in sleepiness. He looked at her coldly.

"I know what you did to me. I know you stole me from my life. And I'm gonna kill you for it," Luffy said flatly. She got up and looked to the mirror, but it was covered in wax, and the door was stuck shut. Before she could form her own mirror, Luffy turned his hand into a spike, stabbing her in the neck.

"I will take down the Big Mom pirates for good. Be glad you won't be here to witness it." He felt nothing as she died. Even the voice in his head, the innocent version of himself, said nothing. Didn't get upset about the violence and muder as he used to. Luffy created his own mirror into his pocket dimension and carried out the rest of his plan, dragging Brulee's body inside to get rid of the evidence in case anyone got suspicious.

It would take a long time, but he wasn't returning back to that place that had been home once, but was no longer and never would be again.

The first thing he did was go to the communication house on Whole Cake Island. There was a mirror in everyone's house so Brule could contact them in case of emergency. Now, it was incredibly convenient. When he reached the communication house, he stole two Proko den den mushis and brought one into the Mirror World, and another one out to the lawn in front of Whole Cake Chateau so it would project onto the side of the building.

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