Chapter 14 -The Tournament Begins!

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A/N: Song "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy.

  We were sitting inside of this clear cube. Dad and scowly were the last ones to get in. A tap of Whis-san's staff caused a bright noodle like aura to envelop the cube before it shot off into space. I wasn't paying attention to whatever the others were laughing about. Because my mood had turned sour at the sight of my mum. My stomach turned uneasily. I hated being in such tight spaces but with mum there it made it worse. A suffocating feeling spread across my chest. It felt like my lungs were being squeezed out.

   We made a stop at what I recognized as kitty man's planet. It gave me time to breathe and clear out my head. Others were taking photos of the strange place. I glanced over and noticed the purple kitty walking over to us. Someone else was walking with him.

   "Hey, it's probably him. The strongest guy, Monaka," Dad exclaimed.

   I took a look at the short pinkish man. He had stick-like arms and legs with a pudgy body. And two... questionable bumps on his chest. Scowly made a comment on how he didn't look all that strong.

   "Those are always the types you can't underestimate," Goku stated.

   Whis-san and Beerus engaged in a conversation. Which I ignored. Focusing on the guy dad assumed was strong. Dad went over and introduced himself to Monaka. I then tuned out the world finding nothing interesting in what was going on. Only tuning back in when the cube landed inside of a dome.

   The two purple kitties engaged in some conversation. It was boring so I made myself comfey on the ground. Then it was time for the test. Me, dad, Scowly, Monaka, the white haired lady who looked like Whis-san, and the bubblegum man flew up and headed for the test area. I was koalaing on dad's arm. Because I was being lazy and didn't want to fly properly.

   "Goku-san," A voice called out.

   I took a glance at the owner of the voice. A guy a few inches taller than myself, with light purple-pink skin. A white mohawk adorns the top of his head. He was accompanied by a light pink man with long white hair and an older light purple man with a tuft of white hair atop his head.

   "Long time no see," He continued.

   "Huh? You said once you combine, you can never separate," Dad said while glancing over them.

   "We asked the Namekains to use the dragon balls to separate us again. Since it did feel very strange," He answered.

   "Ah, that's why I couldn't find your energy anywhere," Dad exclaimed while putting a hand on his head. He then addressed the big pink guy "Yo, Kibito-san. Been a while."

   "We heard you guys were going to be in a match and came," Kibito stated.

   Dad then turned to the older one of them "Doin' good, Grampa."

   "Well, not when I saw you and Beerus-sama fight I didn't feel very alive then," He said while closing his eyes.

   I glance over them and see two guys one light green and the other a teal color.

  Dad then leaned to the side to get a better look at them and asked "Hey, are you the Supreme Kai-sama from universe 6."

  "Uh, well yeah," He stumbled out with wide eyes.

  Dad then started having a conversation with them as well. As I was starting to get ticked off. Before dad could continue with his chat, scowly called out to him. Getting dad's attention. He flew over to the others but not before waving to the guys he was just talking to.

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