"Failure is Not an Option" Chp. 11

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Dekus POV:

I breathe heavily trying to catch my breath. My hands griping my knees as I hang my head low. Where did they go?

I look to my left, then my right. There. That same dark Alleyway from before. It didnt look so dark anymore but I could tell it was the place. I run in and look in all directions. It's a dead end.

Am I sure this is the place? Maybe I'm wrong, but I was so sure before. I sit with my back against the wall and hold my head in my hands. While I'm sitting here confused where Ochako is, she might is in pain or worse dead.

I cant let these silly thoughts stop or discourage me from finding her. I need to look around more, I'm sure this is the place. I stand up and start investigating, nothing can stop me because failure is not an option.

Urarakas POV:


I've lost track of time. I woke up a little while ago but I'm chained to a chair. I have a plan to get away but I need to do it at the right time and I don't know if it will work. The room is pitch black with no light and my ankles hurt they might be broken. No one has come to see me so I haven't had any human interaction.

I just have to wait a little longer...

I hear a door shake as if it was being unlocked then the door opens. Perfect for my plan. A small figure walks in but I can really see because the light is facing they're back.

He switches a light on and I flinch at the sudden brightness. I can now make out a face, looks like a boy. He looks young, like a teenager. He has bright blue eyes and brown hair. His hair is long pulled back into a bun. He looks to be a bit shorter or the same height as me.

"Are you a UA student?"

He states harshly. I look at him, his blank expression giving me the chills. I answer with silence and look away.

"Don't make me repeat myself."


He walks closer to me and aggressively grabs my cheeks to make me look at him. I look him in the eyes refusing to give up. He seems to be just as stubborn as I if not worse.

"Talk or I'll just kill you and get another UA student."

My eyes widen. He acts like it's so easy. I can't give him too much information but I'll say the little things.

"Yes, I'm a UA student."

He let's go of my cheeks and backs away.

"Ok what class and what's your name?"

He really wants to know it all doesn't he. I look down. I shouldn't tell him, but I have to.

"Clase 1A, Uraraka Ochako."

I look up to see him grinning, this man/boy thing is creepy. I should escape now. Now is my chance I need to do it now.

I touch the chair with all my fingers and activate my quirk. The chair starts to float and I hear the man/boy thing talk but I can't make out what he said because of my concentration. I then release my quirk breaking the chair and falling at the same time. The chain on my ankle pulled and I let out a loud scream, they're definitely broken. I go to stand with the chains and part of the chair still attached to me but I fall once again. I wince in pain.

"Smart, but wont work. Your ankles are broken and I doubt you'll be moving normally any time soon." He says very confidently. He stands there with his hands on his hips smiling at my struggles.

I cant let this stop me, think of another way. THINK THINK THINK. I cant walk but I can crawl. I can also float.

That's it! I touch myself and start to float. I push myself off the floor towards the boy and push him to the ground. A thud is heard

"Huh? What are you doing!?"

He says but I hear him faintly. I grab the door and pull myself out then shutting the door behind me. I then float to the roof of the hallway and use the roof to move forward.

Why is no one around? I've been going for about 5 minutes. Is there no end to this hallway?! I get light headed and fall to the floor. I need to keep going but a little break wont hurt. I hear a door open and see the boy, oh no.

I touch my self and float again this time going much faster with the fear the boy will catch me.

About another 5 minutes later I see a door and the end of the hallway. I give myself one big push before dropping myself to the floor. I let out a small yelp of pain. The boy is far behind me.

I crawl to the door and open it to see that dark room I was in before. I dont know how to get out but maybe someone is around. I shut the door then crawl to the wall and start screaming.

Dekus POV:

I've been looking for an opening every where. I almost gave up to go look somewhere else when I heard yelling.

Was that Ochako?


I scream back wondering where the voice is coming from.

"Deku!? I need help, please save me!?"

It's her! If only I could hear where that voice was coming from. It kinda sounds like it's from the wall but how do I get in.

"Hurry! Hes coming!" Ochako says. I don't have time to look for an opening so I use my quirk and break the wall.

The dust flies everywhere but I run to find her. I see her on the floor her eye bags large and ankles purple and bruised, are they broken? What happen to her. She look at me with tears in her eyes.

Suddenly a door opens and I see a young boy around my age so I stand in front of Ochako ready to fight.

"No let's just go! There's no time!" Ochako says. Knowing shes right I pick her up quickly bridal style and activate my quirk to run faster. I head for the school.

"Who is that guy? What happen? Are you ok?" I ask questions but she doesn't answer. She looked to be trying to hide her tears but was doing a lousy job of it. I grit my teath in anger. What did they do to her?

The rest of the run was quiet and we didn't talk but I was just happy she was with me. I plan to bring her to the school nurse, let's hope we make it there.

Thank you so much for reading! Sorry for not updating earlier. I hope you enjoyed!

Word count: 1132

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