Chapter 10

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Hanna POV

Today was the day we went to Florida. I was excited and just wanted to go to a big beachparty. I didnt tell spencer and aria that caleb wasnt going but i know i have to. We drove to the airport with two cars because ali and i had so much luggage. I drove with ali and emily because they were more funny and they had the best music. We drove there with loed music and it was funny how ali and i danced while emily drove with a huge grin on her face. We sang together songs and we laughed when we heard how bad we can sing. Like i said. I love to drive with them because of that. I was totally nervous because of what ali had said on the other day. And i was still confused about it. I never thought ali would be like this. I didnt thought that of emily too but on the other hand i never believed that ali would share emily.

When we came to the airport we bought us a coffee and sat down. We waited for the other guys but they didnt came after twenty minutes.

Ali: where is ezra and toby?

Aria: well..they dont come..

Spencer: we thought it would be better when we have the holidays with our group together so..

Hanna: okay guys i have to tell you this too..caleb and i take a break becahse our relationship got boring and we ned space from each other so he wont come

Spencer&aria: im sorry han.

Hanna: no its good..i just want to have fun now with you all and i cant wait for long nights and parties.

Ali: yes parties and very long nights han.

I knew what she meant and she smirked. I just smiled like an idiot and realised that emily didnt get it. Ali and i looked at emily. She just looked confused and irritated. Ali and i laughed.

Emily: what? I just didnt get it guys.

Alison: shut up babe.

Alison kissed her passionately then whispered something in her ear. Emily stared at me and she started to grin and then laughed.

Emily: i know! Oh god ali!

I didnt exactly know what ali telled emily but i just shake my head laughing and turned around to the others.

Aria: han what was this about?

Hanna: you know them. They are just happy guys.

Spencer: aria can you come with me? I have to get a new coffee

Aria: of course.

Arias cheeks went red. I was confused. When they left i quickly tur ed to ali and em who had a make out session. I hit alis shoulder.

Ali: oww..what the-

Hanna: did you see that? Is there more between them?

Emily: what are you talking about?

Hanna: yeah of course you didnt see..i talked with aria and then spencer said if aria could come with her to get a new coffee and than aria smiled to spencer and blushed.

Ali: calm down han..that dont have to mean something. And when it does we will find out okay han?

Hanna: okay..

They smashed their lips back together.

Hanna: guys please we are at the airport and not at home.

Ali gave me a dead look.

Emily sat up.

Emily: shes right babe. We will have our room later and maybe one person who joins us.

Emily smirked at me.

Hanna: we will see em

Ali: yes we will han.

The other two came. Ten minutes later we were in the plane and i sit on the window. Next to me was emily with an asleep alison who had her head on emilys shoulder. Emily looked at me and smiled.

Emily: come here han.

And after a while i fell asleep on her other shoulder too.

Sry short chapter.


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