One Direction - Olivia

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Chaewon: The things you mean to me? Oh I love you, I love you, I love, I love, I love Olivia 

Chaewon: I live for you, I long for you, Olivia I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Olivia 

Chaewon: I live for you, I long for you, Olivia

Hyejoo:  [hugging her] I love you too Chae 

Haseul: [whispering] why is everyone acting so lovey dovey right now? But i can't hate it because it's too cute to hate [tearing up]

Haseul: anyways good thing i recorded it [wipes tears away]

A/n: so i might be turning this into a mini series L-O-V-E and this one is part of it uwu

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