loona as benders pt. 2

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in fights they're divided in two teams

hyunjin's earth bending is for offense and defense, her metal bending is for tearing off the opponents' armor to make it easier for heejin.. not that it needs to be easier but they both agreed on that.

"heejin!" hyunjin called for the girl as she slid over to her and took the fire bended at her because she didn't have enough time to earth bend


"NOBODY HURTS MY HYUNJIN" heejin let hyunjin's unconscious body lay on the floor as she stands up and takes of her fire nation outfit, leaving her in a tank top. she fire bends to fly, and roars as fire came out of her mouth, hands and both of her feet and hits every enemy fire nation armies

"that's my heekkie.."


air and fire. they can both fly using these elements, makes it easier!

"vivi you go take the left part and i'll take the right" vivi nods and fire bends a big group of them as haseul air bends the others into the air.

"vivi! watch out!" haseul yells out to which vivi immediately dodges and fire bends the attacker, haseul nodded with a smile


water and fire, they'd say red and blue is their color.. but then again jungeun's flames are blue, jinsoul prefers using ice instead of just water. "water can't pierce bodies so.."

dripping in blood and tired jinsoul goes back beside jungeun, the girl caught her attention, effectively angering her more

the fire bender roars and lets fire out using her mouth

"oh it's the dragon move" jinsoul said to herself as she wipes out soldiers trying to attack jungeun as she continues the flames

jungeun was focused on the what she was doing, not realizing lightning was coming her way, but before it can make contact with her. she's pushed aside by the water bender, hitting said girl on the stomach, jungeun gets filled with anger once again and strikes a big lightning at the attacker and to every soldier who was fighting them

she gets jinsoul to yeojin who healed her up a bit


combustion bending has it's weaknesses, you can't let anything hit the eye tattoo or yout combustion bending will attack you. yeojin, doesn't let anything happen to her and she's also teaching the older how to water bend. choerry only combustion bends whenever there's no metal or anything that can hit the tattoo, so she rarely combustion bends unless needed. choerry is also excellent at hand-to-hand combat

things were getting messy on the battlefield, yeojin was all scratched up while choerry proceeds to wipe out armies with her water bending, shielding the shorter

"yerim watch out!" yerim jumps to the side before she gets hit by the lightning

"that's enough.." yerim silently said, clearly fed up of all the lightning and fire that's been sent to their way

she combustion bends half of the terrain, crushing maybe some of the soldiers


they're.. wack and silly on the field but hurt one of them and it won't look so good for you

"ibeu, chill out on those guys, yeah?" jiwoo said as she silently giggled and continues sending air into the enemies direction

sooyoung on the other hand, was making boulders and boulders, her attention was both on the girl and the enemies. she noticed that a fire bender was behind jiwoo and was ready to attack her from the back

"time to get serious.." sooyoung said as she takes the hit for jiwoo, leaving a big scar on her body and a little bit on her face, she winces in pain before pushing the guy away with earth bending, sooyoung prefers wearing nothing but bandages when she fights

"sooyoung! you shouldn't have done that now you've got a bruise! lets finish these guys off and get you healed!"


this duo.. strong.. too strong

"hyejoo i don't think i can hold them much longer!" chaewon called out, already tired

"almost there princess" hyejoo always called her that since hyejoo was the next fire lord heir

and hyejoo did mean that it was almost there, she struck a huge lightning directed at the soldiers, before entering avatar state, finding their leader and fought him

the leader was actually her uncle who is the current fire lord after killing her parents to take the throne and once again making the fire nation the enemies, he was strong, so she did what aang did years ago

she took away his bending

hyejoo then came back, few bruises clutching her ribs and was limping so chaewon immediately made her wrap her arm around her shoulder and the two walked to the teams ride

[A/N: see idk why i wrote this]

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