Chapter 6

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"The bag looks heavy Munna. What's in it?" Bhaskar asked.

"Those are my dresses and things which I had taken when I left here" Munna said.

"Nothing else. No new things" Bhaskar wanted to know whether Munna has got any gifts for them while returning.

"Nothing new poppa. It's the same old dress which you had got me" Munna said.

"Ok ok. Come in now" Bhaskar went.

"Parvati, are you comfortable in this house. We have different different namunas over here. Hope you won't get irritated and run away" Munna said.

"Ahahaha...She is not like you, running away everytime" Rama mocked him.

"😁😁Why are you answering on her behalf. I just want to hear her voice" Munna teased him.

Being almost of same age as that of Rama, Munna had observed and understood that Rama is getting possessive over Parvati and jealous towards him for talking with her.

Lakshmi was sitting outside reading a novel after breakfast. She had applied for job in couple of companies and was waiting for interview calls. She called for Parvati.

"Hey Parvati, shall I call you Paro. From today I will teach you how to read and write. I know you will learn. I tried teaching that buffalo, but nothing went inside his head"

Lakshmi had tried educating Rama but he was not at all interested in studies.

"Really akka, you will teach me. I am so happy. I won't disappoint you. You can call me anything" Parvati was happy.

Lakshmi started teaching her basics. Parvati was a quick learner. She would definitely would have been topper of her school and college if she had a chance to attend thought Lakshmi.

When they were studying our Gangadhara master decided to give them a visit.

"Who are you all? What you are doing here?" He asked.


"I am Lakshmi mastre. Your neighbour and this is Parvati. Please don't forget us" she pleaded.

"Ok ok" he was about to return back to home but he noticed them studying.

"What are you studying? I have never seen you both in class. Now you are sitting and studying for exams. I am going to fail you" he said angrily.

"Mastre you teach in school. Do we look like school going kids" Lakshmi said.

"🤔 Is it? It doesn't matter still I will fail you" saying he returned home.


Rama was thinking over Parvati's dream. He wanted to find out whether there is really something like that in her birth chart. He somewhere had an doubt on her lazy brother.

He wanted to investigate on Rajesh but didn't know from were to start.

Munna saw Rama in deep thinking.

"Hey Ra, what are you thinking so deeply. Don't think too much your brain might not be able to take the load and might burst *boom* " he teased.

"Nah! My brain is in good condition. I was just thinking about Parvati" he said.

Rama always shared every single thing with Munna. Even after Munna left to Mumbai Rama used to call and talk with him.

"I know man, you like her. Don't you?" Munna nudged Rama.

"No I don't like her. I think I love her" he said grinning.

Munna hugged him.

"Then go and confess. Where you thinking how to confess?" Munna said.

"No Munna. I know she likes me. I am thinking about her brother Rajesh". Rama informed him about everything.

"So you think Rajesh is behind her misery" Munna asked.

"Yes. That fellow is very cunning and can stoop very low to get money. I smell conspiracy" Rama said.

"Don't worry Ra. I am there now. I have a detective friend. Will talk with him and try to get information" Munna said.

Lawyer Satish came looking for Bhaskar.

"Bhaskar, where are you. I have got a good news" Satish called out to Bhaskar.

"Coming coming, don't shout man. I got a mini attack hearing your yell" Bhaskar joked.

"I have got a good news. My son Dhanraj is coming here tomorrow. Get ready. I am 100% sure he will agree to marry your daughter" he said.

Janaki heard this and was very happy. She ran inside and got some sugar.

"Such a sweet news Anna. Sorry there is no sweets today at home. So have this sugar. I will prepare paysam later" she grinned.

Satish left to court. Janaki started preparing the list of changes she needs to do before the wedding.

"Hubby, we will paint our house, we will change that lighting near the gate. We will change the curtain. Here in this place we will put tiles. We will change the design of the door"

"We will change your husband" Bhaskar interrupted her.

"Yes we will change that also" she said without listening properly. Then it hit her what he said.

"Have you gone mad. I can't change for you the next seven life" she said pressing her mangalsutra to eyes.

"Oh god! Let this be my seventh life" Bhaskar prayed 🙏.

"He is just coming to meet our Lakshmi. He has not yet given his consent to the proposal. We will see when everything settles" Bhaskar said.

"Our Lakshmi is a gem. How will he reject her? I am just worried about the presence of that unlucky gal. Hope her bad luck doesn't ruin my daughter's life" Janaki remarked.

"How many times to tell you not to call that gal unlucky. I don't like it" Bhaskar got irritated.

"Ok ok. I am very happy today. Don't want to spoil it" saying she went inside.

Whom you liked the most in this chapter.

My personal favourite in this chapter is Lakshmi. She is very loving, caring and giving person just like her father.

Who is your favourite in this story?

Mine is Bhaskar. He is witty, humble, gentleman.

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