part 19

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Oh God, I think I am going sick I jump up out of bed and run to the bathroom bending over the toilet and spilling my guts out.

"JASMINE!" I yell sitting beside his toilet I wipe my mouth and get up walking to my bed and pick up my phone and calling her.

*conversation is italicized*

"Hello, "

"Jasmine where are you?"

"At the pharmacy, why?"

"I need something because I am nauseous and throwing up."


Um okay, I will be there in five minutes."


I hear jazz come in she hands me some type of medicine I get up and hug her she pulls back and looks at me, "Are you okay you don't look so well."

She was right I felt sick so I ran to the bathroom again and this time Jazz helped me by holding my hair. "I am going to call Mateo and see if he can help."

"Ok in the meantime let's get something to eat I want chocolate." I reply I get up and brush my teeth then walk to the kitchen to find anything chocolate I found some Nutella and lays chips so I eat that until Mateo comes. I hear a knock on the door and open it up to see Mateo looking at me with troubled eyes I sigh and invite him in.

"So Mateo are you studying to be a doctor or something." I ask and he smirks taking out his stethoscope.

"Yea but my parents well my dad doesn't approve now deep breaths." He explains and I obey he checks my heart rate, temperature.

"How long have you been nauseous." He asks and I was about to answer but I felt sick again. So I ran to the closet's bathroom and emptied my stomach again. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Mateo and jazz looking down at me.

"It's been the first day but it's different to me being normally sick." I say he sighs and pulls out his phone and types something then puts it away, "Who is that?"

"Lorenzo I told him that you are feeling sick and he needs to be here." He says and I groan what the fuck, "Don't worry I told him that you are a little nauseous but I may have an idea."

"What is it?" I say needly he looked worried and I groan again.

"Have you and Lorenzo been having unprotected sex?" He says shyly and I look away laughing and shake my head.

"Yeah, but I have been on the pill."I say could I really be pregnant I mean my period is supposed to come in four days.

"Nala you and I both know that you have not been taking the pill regularly." She explains and I nod but I know I can't be pregnant it's just a thought tho so I am not worried.

"Okay so I know I am not pregnant and we are not gonna say a word to this to anyone especially Lorenzo." I explain and they both start shaking their heads, yes but then Mateo shakes his head no.

"What if he asks questions?" He asks and I sigh. Well, it's not like I ain't the world's greatest actress. Nah I am just kidding or am I like I can lie I mean I faked my death for crying out loud.

"Just say Jasmine cooked some bad chicken cause we all know Jazz can't cook." I respond and we all agree after that Mateo decides to order pizza and I haven't thrown up since Lorenzo came in after Mateo texted him asking questions and of course we told him the fake story. We all ate pizza and watched movies until I got really drowsy all of a sudden and passed out.

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