part 25

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"WHAT THE FUCK!" I shout you would not believe what the fuck I saw Lorenzo is sitting in his stupid fucking skinny chair while a skinny blond girl basically fucking dry hump him. I stomp my foot and storm off getting into my car I call jazz and she picks up

*Call in italicized*
"Sup pregnant lady."

"Butch get me a gun and be ready I am coming to pick you up."

"What happened."

"He is a liar and a cheater."


"Just be ready I will explain when you get in the car."


Okay, see you soon."


I speed to the house and pick up jazz who looks concerned. She gets in and looks at me, "What happened."

"He was just in his fucking office with this skin blond bitch." I explain letting a couple of tears fall. She sighs getting angry oh my blood is boiling I am so I rated how could he do this we were going to have a baby well guess what fuck him I can be a single mother.

"Let's go, bitch, I am chopping his dick off." She says we pull up to the house and I walk out jazz following behind me we walk into the office and see Lorenzo slamming the phone down while the blond girl is tied up in a corner.

"You fucking asshole how could you, " I say running up to him and hitting his chest he just looks at me, and tears start streaming down my face.

"Nala listen-" he says but I stop him smoking him in the face he just looks at me waiting for God knows what.

"We were gonna be a family listen I know I am getting bigger than usual and I know I am not a blond fucking model but jeez you could have let me down." I say pulling out the gun she starts to scream and Lorenzo puts his hand up Looking at me with concern.

"You are not gonna shoot me."  He says and putting his hands down and he was right I can't I love him too much he walks up to me slow I was in such hysteria that I didn't realize he took the gun.

"Now let me explain what happened." He says slowly I cross my arms over my chest and jazz puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Now this woman was sent by Mattia to have sex with me." He explains putting the gun to his back I look at him with a raised brow." Nala what the fuck I would never cheat on you I would die for you we have a baby on the way why would I do this."

"I believe you but if you ever cheat on me or hurt me and our child-"

"That's ridiculous Na-"

"No, because I don't want I will not do this again." I say he pulls me by the arm and brings me in for a hug I stop crying and look up at him.

"Nala I would never cheat on you, you are my world my sunshine my fucking universe and I love you." He exclaims I start to cry it was a beautiful speech ok now I think this was pregnancy hormones because I would not be crying from a romantic speech.

"So we are just going to forgive him." Jazz says and I shake my head yes  I hug him harder squeezing.

"Was this just pregnancy hormones?" I nod yes everybody laughs and then I catch the girl in the corner trying to untie herself I walk over to her and pull her hair taking the mouthpiece off.

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