part 32

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That is what Nala's belly looks like



"I am getting tired of this shit, " I say struggling to get up, " Just three more."

"Hey what did I say about getting up." Lorenzo demands scolding me I roll my eyes he helps me up and I walk to the bathroom to pee. Things have changed drastically in these three months. I am 8 months pregnant and I am carrying two boys who won't get off my bladder. I go to the bathroom and finish my business I love Lorenzo with everything that I am but this dickhead won't let me do anything.

"Baby I want to go downstairs and get some fresh air." I whine but he shakes his head no.

"If you want fresh air I will get you an oxygen tank." He says and I burst out laugh giving him my 'your kidding right' face but he just shakes his head.

"I am dead serious you are not going anywhere." He commands and I shake my head no.

"Let me out this room now or I swear Lorenzo Edwardo Ferrari I will cut your dick off!" I yell he looks at me for a minute contemplating is his dick worth and I smile and he helps me up we walk down the stairs and going into the sitting room I smile as I see the family hanging out.

"Oh, my baby you look so good." Eleanor says coming over to help me I give her a weak smile as I am winded from walking down the stairs. They guide me to the couch and I plop down.

"Thank you, " I say rubbing my belly as the boys start kicking me, " would you little motherfuckers stop."

After a could a seconds and for kicks, they stop I say as Lorenzo's ribs my belly, " Well it's been a while since we have seen you."

"Yes, too long I missed you." Eleanor exclaims I laugh pulling the blanket around me.

"So how is everybody." I ask and they all say great and fine I listen to Nyla and Karys story giving them advice about boys and high school. Jazz has been trying to come and spend time with me but Mr.Dickhead was being a dickhead.

"Lorenzo can we go and get some good I am hungry." I asked he raised a brow looking at me confused.

"Do you mean can I go and get you some food." He asked I shake my head with a scowl I want to get out and sit in a car I am tired of this house.

"No me and you and whoever else wants to come." I say he shakes his head and glaring at me I stair back challenging him. I then make a pair of scissors with fingers and amino them he looks at me scared sighing.

"Fine come in let's go." He says helping me up we get into the car and drive off with Matteo and Jazz.

"So you are one month away I can't wait to be in there when you give birth." Jazz says excitedly I laugh and roll my eyes. Matteo shivers cause me to laugh.

"How can you be excited to see Nala push two humans out her vagina." He says disgusted and I laugh Lorenzo shakes his head.

"First nobody is getting to look down their cause that's just for me second what do you think jazz is going to have to do when her time comes." Lorenzo says looking between the rare view mirror and the road. Matter shivers again and so does Jasmine.

"Nope not gonna happen first I am never getting pregnant second the only reason Nala got pregnant is because her lazy ass was not taking the pill consistently." Jazz states and I flip her off. We laugh and talk as we get to sonic and order our food on the way we decide to stop at the mall. I was wearing some decent close I put on one of Lorenzo's baggy hoodies and a pair of sweat pants with my slides my hair was out. When we got to the mall I went and got some more baby stuff before we went back home.

"I have to pee so bad." I say waddling to the bathroom Lorenzo chuckles when I finish my business when I get out I waddle to the kitchen grabbing some water.

"Cookie are you okay do you need anything?" Lorenzo asks and I shake my head no as we head to the living room.

"Let's watch a movie here." I say excited he nods and snuggles closer to me as the rest of the family sit down I got to pick the movie so I went with Dirty Dancing my favorite. As they start dancing I start skimming my shoulders and shaking all over Lorenzo bothering him.

"What you don't like my moves." I ask and he shakes his head chuckling he leans in and kisses my neck before rubbing my big stomach. As we finish watching the move I end up dozing off.



I feel kisses all around my face and then someone my lips. I open my eyes and see Lorenzo smiling down on me. "Hey, beautiful wake up come on time to get ready."

"Okay help, please." I say raising my hands he helps me up and we go upstairs so I can get ready.

"Let's take a bath." Lorenzo says reaching out his hand I take it we walk into the bathroom and he helps me strip and I do the same to him. He helps me into the bathtub then gets in behind me.

"You are so beautiful do you know that." Lorenzo asked adoringly I giggle like a little school girl talking to her crush. He starts washing me up.

"Do you know sexy?" I ask and he responds by kissing my neck making me giggle again. We finish washing up and get dressed finish getting ready I decided that I was to go walking so after breakfast we drive to a park and walk.

It is so beautiful everything was so green and the flowers were so beautiful with the vibrant yellows, reds, and purples. I looked at the waterfall and see a beautiful crystal waterfall.

"So, " I say leaving room for a conversation he looks at me confused.

"So, " He says shrugging, and I shrug back, "what's wrong baby?"

"Nothing just thing about when our boys come what are we going to name them." I say and he looks at me I have always thought about the names but could never get the names.

"Luca and Dante, "

"I like Dante but Luca not so much." I say thinking.

"Dante and Roberto." He says smiling I guess I mean Roberto that sound like a business name I shake my head yes.

"I love it, Dante and Roberto Ferrari." I say letting the names roll off my tongue. Oh shit, I am tired we stop so I can catch my breath.

"Ready to go home?" He asks and I nod so we head home.


Once we get inside we go to the kitchen and I go in the fridge finding cake I take it out and start eating it Lorenzo grabs a fork and dig in too. Then the doorbell rings.

"I want to get it, " I say waddling to the good Lorenzo behind me when I get to the door and open it I see a light skin tall man with chocolate brown eyes and curly hair he was wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants with some combat boots.

"Nala?" The mystery man asks and by the sound of his voice, I realize who it is and my eyes widen. Shock clear as day on my face.


*Maximo, who is that? I don't know guess we will have to find out the next chapter.*

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Xoxo Chocolat Queen

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