Chapter 3

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Summer's POV

I sat down on my chair, spaced out as many thoughts were currently running through my mind. I spent the last 2 days thinking about everything.

I moped around the house, going back and forth on whether or not I should go to the wedding or if I should skip it.

It was hard figuring out if I wanted to go or not.

Part of me thinks that I should go, just so I could show Jack that I too can move on. I could show Stephanie that I don't care about either of them and I'm not affected. But again, I don't have to prove anything to them.

I looked around my room, frustrated. I just feel like punching something so badly. I scanned the room and ended up looking at the sketchbook I found.

I decided to look through it again, in hopes that it could calm me and take my mind off of Jack and Stephanie.

I looked through the pages one by one and I could feel myself calm down. The drawings are beautiful and it really helped me distract myself.

After a while, I decided to meet with my friends and talk to them about the wedding. We settled on this pizza place which is a few blocks away from my place.

It was a rather cloudy afternoon and I chose to walk instead of driving there.

I walked along the endless pavement and enjoyed the cold breeze blowing on my face. It was a nice day to take a walk.

After a few more minutes, I finally reached the place and got myself settled down.

We all talked about what was going on in each other's lives and suddenly, it was my turn.

" Well, just the usual, " I took a sip from my drink.

They gave me a sad smile but I told them I was okay.

" By the way, are you guys going to the wedding? " I asked.

They were all shocked. I think they didn't know that I would get an invite, considering Jack and I had gotten a divorce 4 months ago.

" W-Wait, you got an invite? " Claire asked, confused.

" Why would Jack do that? " Wayne said, exasperated.

" I-I don't know. He came to my apartment the other day and said Stephanie was the one who invited me and so yeah I guess she just wants to see me suffer, "

" That bitc- " Gwen scoffed but was interrupted by Rose nudging her by the arm and proceeded by saying  "Language. "

" Are you going to the wedding then? " Aria asked, concerned.

I looked at them and sighed in defeat. I really am not sure as to what I should do right now.

" What do you guys think I should do? Do I go? Do I not? "

" I think you should go. I mean, at least then he'll know that you're over him and Stephanie can't come after you because you're not threatened by her empty threats, " Gwen explained.

Gavin, Wayne, Claire and Dylan agreed with Gwen. However, Aria, Rose and Nick disagreed.

Suddenly, everyone started debating with each other, especially Nick and Gwen. Things were getting heated between them and I had to stop them.

" Geez guys, it wasn't that deep. Please don't fight because of me, " I assured Gwen and Nick.

They made up and laughed about it.

I too, joined them and before we knew it, everyone was laughing.

" I think we have really lost our minds, " Gavin wheezed out.

" You look and sound so stupid right now Gavin, " Gwen laughed, almost falling.

I smiled, feeling content. I love my friends so much.

" Don't mean to ruin the moment but are you guys going? " I spoke up.

" We don't know..."

" I think you guys should go. I know my relationship with Jack may have put a strain on your friendship with him but you guys should go to his wedding. He needs his friends by his side," I reassured.

" He ruined the friendship when he hurt  you, " Wayne said, stern.

" Then, will you guys go if I go? " I asked.

" You're going? " Claire asked.

" Yeah, I am, " I smiled.

" Then, we're going too," Rose smiled back.

I'll do this for myself only. I'll show them I'm fine on my own.

" See you guys! " I waved them goodbye.

I decided to take a short stroll at the park near my house. After a while, I got tired of walking and sat on an empty bench and watched the sun set.

I haven't felt this peaceful in so long. It was quiet and serene. 

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