Part 2

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My eyes open to a familiar sight. It's the portal room where Celestia sent us home.

I stand up, a bit shakily because I'm taller than I'm used to.

A sharp sting pierces my backside and I see Skillets smirking at me, crackles sparking around his horn. I give him a Really? look and grin a little.

"Wow, Skillets." I say bluntly, turning around.

"Hey, I'm just suppose to ignore the amazing powers that were given to us?" He smarts off. I roll my eyes at him and turn around, only to be greeted by a cyan pegasus with spectrum hair.

"Who are you and why are you in- oh, hey Skelly!" Rainbow Dash starts off threatening, but them becomes inviting.

"Hey, Dash." I say, laughing.

"Skillets!" I hear a quiet voice say excitedly!


The two embrace (PONY STYLE) and look at each other while blushing.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

I turn back to Dash and see her smirking at the two. "You think it's cute, don't you?" I ask her. She simply nods. (TheSkillets RAINBOW DASH APPROVES)

It takes a while for everyone to finally show up but they do. When they do, Princess Celestia shows up. When Princess Celestia shows up, she's tells us why we're needed. (Oh, DirectTV references. LADDER GOAT U SO RANDUM)

"Discord is back, and he's combine powers with the Changelings, so he's stronger than ever. Even the Elements of Harmony can't stop him. Not by theirselves, anyway. So we need you. I hope you all have discovered a little bit of your powers by now?"

Lauryn, Skillets, and I nod, but no one else does. What?! Three months and nothing?

"These three will have to teach you then. You have two days. Good luck." The princess leaves us in the room with the Main Six.

"Well, it's late here, but I don't know about you guys," Twilight says, "Are you tired?"

I shake my head, but then again I'm never tired. Unless it was that one night when I discovered FNAF and it terrified me so much that I didn't sleep at all... needless to say I had to get up really early that morning... :/


The small hotel-like building is still there from our last visit here, oddly enough. This time Lauryn actually does room with me and isn't a dish like she and Blue were earlier.

"It's so weird! We were short, and now we're tall!" She laughs, making me laugh also.

"#Thingy-Thing." I say randomly, using our hashtag that she came up with one day. We both laugh together again, harder than before.

"We should probably get some sleep." I say, yawning a bit.

"Yeah," She agrees. "Seeya in the morning." We both resort to the small beds, sleeping through the day.

In the morning, Twilight insists we get up early for a head start.

"We have to go to the Crystal Empire." She says.

"Crystal Empire? Why there?" Blue asks.

"That's where Discord called the Changleings. We're going to attack them at their source."

Murmurs of agreement spread through our group.

"Alright, let's get going!" Twilight starts walking to the train station. Once there, the conductor looks at all nine of us weird, like it's odd that we're alicorns.



Alicorns are royalty, apparently. IT'S SO WEIRD TO BE ROYAL. UGH. But I'm the Skelly Queen... hmm... ARGH.

Whatever. Back to the story. (YEAH, I JUST BROKE THE FOURTH WALL.)

The train ride isn't very long, about an hour. The whole way there Blue and Keara are annoying the crap out of Lauryn and I, but that's why we love them. <3 (A/N: LOVE YA BLUE AND KEARA!!!)

"I wonder if they have M&M's here..." I whisper to Lauryn, who laughs.

"Why?" She asks.

"I've been craving them since we left! I dunno why." I reply.

"We're here!" Twilight says.

We all step out of the train, only to have a bright light meet our eyes.

"GAH! BRIGHTNESS!" I yell, closing my eyes. I feel Lauryn pull me aside, and the brightness is gone. When my eyes open again, I see I was the unlucky one to have gotten the bright reflection of the Crystal Heart in my eyes.

"Twily! You made it!" A new voice says. I look up to see a white unicorn walking towards Twilight. That must be Shining Armor.

"Shining Armor!"


"C'mon, Princess Cadance is waiting to meet you." He says to us, and leads us into the Crystal Castle.

QberCraft Meets MLP ~ Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now