Chapter I

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My name is David or C7 for short, I haven't been out of my apartment for 3 months. I don't need to, I've got everything I need here. I work at home, I get my food delivered to me, and I play games. I work out at home, therefore no need for me to actually go outside. Back to the main reason I'm writing this. We've been in quarantine for a week or so now, we aren't really supposed to leave our apartments. But small reasons like walking the dog or taking out the trash is not prohibited. Many of the adults still do it, regardless of the virus. They don't seem to be so worried since, we are in a small town. Not so small but small enough where we don't have many options as in where to go. One elementary, one Junior high and a high school. Everyone knows where to go and what to do. Normal town you could say.

Our buildings are separated. We have 5 buildings and every building has 3 floors. One building is kinda big but it's not much of a place for people to stay rather where the cleaning supplies are and those sorts of things. I'm in building A, Floor C. Apartment 007. That's why my nickname is c7. I was watching Netflix at night, usually I sat by the window looking outside occasionally. When I took one of those glances outside I was something that made me shrivel. The only way I could explain of define the creature would be a human dragging themselves with thin arms, no bottom torso whatsoever. I could only tell a little by its face but I saw a black hole, like if the face was gone. It seemed to be moving it's head side to side continuously . It didn't seem real, it seemed something you'd find in the web and call a hoax. I looked more forward to where it was moving towards to and I saw the trash cans and which the Mexican girl from C5 was walking to. The girl put down the bags and caught some air. If I could I would've yelled her to move and run away. Of course I couldn't because I was in shock. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The thing got closer and closer towards her. She finally threw the trash bag into the trash can and as she started to walk I'm assuming the creature made a sound because she turned around slowly making a not pleasant gesture. And then I saw it, she screamed. Her scream would've at least be heard from build D. She came running back to the gate. The wall around the apartments were high so only C floor could actually see the streets and what went down outside the wall and gate. Plus the walls around the apartment buildings made a L shape if you got a view from high up. When she reached the small box by the gate, she punched in the pass key. A little red light appeared above the box, She put in the wrong code. She tried to put the code again, Red. The creature without a torso was getting closer, dragging its body through the concrete street. The girl turned around to see it, she looked around for a second and saw me. She must have thought she wasn't going insane and she actually is seeing it, probably what gave her motivation to get inside. She typed in the code once again, Green. The gate made a loud beep and the small door within the gate opened; She ran inside and shutting the door. She than ran towards my building and saw her disappear. A few moments later I heard footsteps running outside my door towards down the hall. I made a decision, not the smartest one at the moment and it was to come out. I made my way to the door and unlocked it. I slowly opened the door to see her screaming at a another boy who lived in C4. He looked like he was trying to calm her down. Of course she couldn't, no one could after that. She turned around to see me with a little relief and ran to me. I jumped back a bit at how fast she ran to me. She started to scream at me and asked me to tell everyone that I also saw it too. At this point everyone was out the apartments and looking at us. I looked up at them and whispered if it was true. I shrugged, I should've agreed with her but I was in shock and in disbelief myself. She then turned around and walked away towards her family. She started to talk to them and have a discussion. I said without thinking of the situation we were all in. "it could've been just a cat? It looked like one". I knew damn well knew it wasn't a cat but I lied. Everyone annoyed started to walk back at their apartments. She looked at me and said "a cat?!" In a angry and frustrated tone. She gave me a dirty look before walking away towards her apartment. I walked back in my room and before I did anything else I looked outside the window and saw nothing. I quickly shut my blinds, looking back at my tv and thinking I should just get some sleep. It could've been some kind of shared hallucination.. right?. Or maybe a dream?..

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