Chapter 3

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There it was; a giant looking shark mixed with a dog. It was about 6 feet tall in all fours but could've been taller if it could've stood up. It opened its mouth, yellow teeth with saliva coming out of it and drooling. It started to catch speed and ran towards us. We were in shock and then we heard a shot; turns out Mary had a gun. we looked back at the beast. Bullseye, right on the eye. Blood gushing out of its eye and the thing scratching around the area. It look to be very much in pain, we took advantage of the situation and quickly we all turned around and ran down the street that would take us to the town. It could've taken us 10 minutes in car but since we were running it would take us almost an hour. Not even 5 minutes into running we started to walk since we didn't see the beast behind us anymore. The best description I can give is this. It was red with blue ,with black eyes. It's eye looked like the Eye of Horus, And Big sharp yellow teeth with drool coming out of its mouth. It had fins; it seemed to be a water type beast? I'm assuming so by the fins and the shark tail. Honestly, I was more scared of the beast we encountered with the deer skull rather than the beast we encountered earlier. we walked down the long big road, trees all around us. We hard a car in the distance, we all quickly jumped into the Forrest and hid behind the trees and bushes. A red Jeep passed by fast, we didn't even get to get a glance at the driver, It went the same way we are going. We decided to continue, we didn't have many options. It's either way in the bushes until another beast came out and killed us or go and walked to get killed by another beast. Either way I prefer walking, since at least we aren't sitting ducks. We got out of the bush and walked down the road, it was kinda boring but we made conversation through the whole time. "So David where do u come from?" Mary asked. "Well, I'm not from the US. I'm From Russia. My parents moved here when I was young. 2 years old to be exact, they didn't think me learning Russian was worth it so they just left me to learn only English" I answered picking on a scab. "Hey can you not do that, it's nasty. But aside from that. That's pretty cool" Mary replies. "I come from Mexico, Nuevo León to be exact. It's a pretty cool place. I go there every other summer, the rivers are the best. I have-" Mary stopped herself. "Had 4 siblings, two older and two younger. Pedro was the youngest and Luis was the second youngest. I was in the between the youngest and oldest. Then there was my sister lilia, and then my oldest brother Emanuel. Rest their souls, los extraño..." she said as a tear fell down her cheek. "Hey, I'm not the best with words but if I was in your position I'd rather have them dead than alive living in this hell. At least they are resting in peace." Nathan said putting his arm on her shoulder as comfort. "Thank you" Mary said wiping the tear. "Hey guys, we're almost here. Keep an eye open" I said. We all walked in the road and houses started to appear as we went in deeper. A lot of the houses were falling apart or were destroyed. I'm assuming since we live far away from the town. "could it be that they were struck first?" I said looking around. "Most definitely, if they weren't. Wouldn't this place look like the apartments?" Mary said with a little sarcasm. "Either way this place looks a little weird and suspicious. It was a stupid idea but I said it anyways. "We should split up and meet up right here in 2 hours. Get supplies or anything that will keep us alive" I suggested. "Not the smartest move but all of us staying together isn't the brightest either" Nathan agreed. "Fine, I want some time alone anyways" Mary said with her sarcastic ass. "Okay well, I'll see y'all in 2 hours" I said walking towards the north of the town. That place is mostly known for a lot of stores. Clothes stores, supermarkets, pharmacies, etc. Nathan and Mary went direction where there is houses."To be honest I don't know how I feel about them, I don't dislike them but I don't necessarily love them. Nathan is a little weird, and has been acting weird ever since I asked him about his necklace. He is more quiet and thoughtful, makes me feel kinda unsafe. Mary? She seems like a nice girl, I don't expect her to act normal right now though"i thought to myself. I stopped on my tracks, I heard rustling over by the bushes. Then a few chickens came out, they were pretty puffy. Like a fat cat with a lot of fur. They didnt have feathers but they had fur. They looked cute, so I tried to catch one. It took me a while but I did it, I caught a chicken. It was more calm when I caught it rather then when it was just running around. I wrapped my arm around it and put it to my side. Walking by the stores I went into a market. A lot of the food stinks because it went bad. Mostly the fruits and vegetables. Walking down the aisles I saw moldy breed, the chicken wouldnt stop trying to bite me so i put it down. If it ran away i wouldn't care theres enough food in here. I put my backpack down and started to stuff it with canned foods. Tuna, beans, corn;Whatever i could find. Suddenly I hear a few cans of food drop to the floor from the next isle. I slowly backed away from the shelf and picked up my backpack as silently as I could. I started to walk away to the opposite way the sound came from. Then a cat walked in front of me, white with little balls as a necklace. "Awe come here kitty" I said making noises trying to get the cat to come to me. It turned to face me and then I backed away slowly. It didnt have a face, only an eye. A big red eye where its face should be. Then it opened its eye widely and somehow made a really loud high pitched noise. It forced me to cover my ears and when it stopped I noticed my hands had blood. It came from my ears, they wouldnt stop ringing. When they did, I noticed there was about 5-7 of those things around me. I was so distracted by my ears bleeding I didnt notice I got surrounded by them. They all looked at me like I was their prey. I didnt like any of this. They all started to move closer until the silence was broken by a gunshot. Maria and Nathan were here. All of them turned to both of them. They noticed they probably fucked up. One of the creatures were bleeding from its rubs, probably gonna die soon."that's enough" a strange unknown voice was coming from the end of the isle and then a tall person was standing there. All of the creatures turned to him and ran behind him hiding. The person was wearing a mask making it look like he had a tiny small eye on its forehead and the rest was just black. It was wearing a black jingasa along with a big robe and a lot more pieces of clothing covered on mud and leaf's. "What are yall doing here, put that away" the voice started to fade from the deep voice it first had. Then they took off the mask and it showed a girl "you're gonna attract others here. Last thing I want in my hands at the moment is trouble" she said walking towards the injured creature. "Nunc autem requiem vos can" she said. I knew what language it was, it was Latin. I just didnt know what she said. "You still havent answered my question" the girl looked at us. "We are searching for food and somewhere to stay. Mostly supplies" I answered. "Well, you can stay here for tonight I suppose" she said looking back at the creature. "Do you know what happened? For all these creatures and such to just appear? Or when did they appear?" I asked. She look hesitant to answer. "It started about 2 months ago. When the outbreak actually happened. Most people are actually dead, and I wouldnt be surprised if the cities are infested with those things. But yeah, the first one I think to come by was this one monster that had a skull of a deer or a moose I dont remember exactly. It was really bulky and it large. That one was the first one to arrive here. Then a few others came along and then it from one death by those things from time to time to a whole town wiped like a smudge on a countertop." She kept petting the creature now dead. She seemed to be calm overtho her creature just died. "What's it called?" Nathan asked. "I call them night watchers. They are more active at night, and the only reason they like me and not wanna kill me is because I raised them. I had killed their mother on accident thinking she was going to kill me, but in reality she was just taking care of her young ones. So I took the responsibility to take care of them. Thankfully food is not an issue. I do not know how they cannot eat but yeah they dont. But they love water being poured on them so that's a thing" she replied. "Sorry, by the way my name is david, her name is maria" I point at Maria. "And he is nathan" I added pointing at nathan. "My name is terry" she got up with the night watcher on her arms. Then she started to walk to the back of the store "follow me, I'll be showing you where you'll be sleeping". We followed her to the back of the store where all the packages are. Then she showed us the place we would be staying. It was this place between boxes where it was cleared. There was a big blanket on the floor. We laid down, extremely tired. A few of those night watchers came over and curled up around us. I dont think they mind us being there so that was a good thing. I'm glad they came in at the moment they did, I couldve died. I fell asleep almost after laying my head on the blanket. The next morning we were woken up to the night watchers making the pitch sound. I knew that meant trouble. It wasnt because of us though. It seemed to be coming from the store front. We quickly ran out of the store and saw the beast from back home. The creature that killed Mary's family, the creature that wiped almost the entire apartment building. I looked at mary and all I saw was rage. No soul, not the mary I met. Just rage. For a split second, I felt pain but then it all went away and it was all black.

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