Chapter 15

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Waking up to tubes up my nose and needles in my arm. I panick i was in the hospital i couldnt feel my babies. Jon was yelling Nurse she's awake loudly.

Clary calm down it's okay he said. Where are my babies? They were losing oxygen when you passed out and they took them out. They are premature born but they are doing well even breathing on their own already he smiled!

My heart rate went down a few beats where is Jace? He frowned, we will talk about that later for now the doctors will check you he told me. We will take you to see the babies after i nod okay.

Why wasn't Jace or his family Izzy here did something happen i wondered. Is it why Jon wont tell me its for the best i need to be strong for my babies at this moment. The doctor came in explaining how i had internal bleeding why i fainted.

They caught it in time to save me and the babies. In four weeks if the babies continue to progress as they are now and reached normal weight they can go home. The doctor told me i would be here maybe another two weeks as well.

My parents and Simon came in a little later after. Im guessing Jon called them to say i was awake now. "Clary baby you scared us im so glad your awake the babies are beautiful just tiny" my mom squealed!

I needed to see them Jon rolled me in my wheelchair to where they were being kept. No names were listed as they didnt know what me and Jace wanted. They were so cute and tiny and fragile looking my face full of tears.

My babies survived they will get bigger in time i thought. Simon asked so what are their names? I smiled, Ariel Celine Herondale and Wayland Stephen Herondale i told them.

I stayed with them for as long as the nurses allowed. After Jon rolled me in my wheelchair back to my room where i filled out their paperwork. Is the father coming the nurse asked?

I looked to Jon, he sighed Clary i have bad news im sorry but Jace chea--arguing in the hallway interupted him. He growled "that son a bitch is here how dare he i'm going to kill him". Jon stood up i called for him i heard alot of screams someone was fighting.

I couldnt get to my wheelchair the pain hurt to much to move on my own Izzy burst into my room. Isabelle whats going on i was panicked? Clary she cried im so glad your okay now she sobbed! What happened out their whats going on?

Jon attacked Jace well he beat the shit out of him but its just a misunderstanding. Clary it wasnt true Jon didnt let me explain you and your family are so stubborn. Jace was only with her on that bed because-- i gasped, in bed with who? He cheated on me i yelled now!

"No Clary" she explained how Jon heard just a piece of what happened then he hung up. My family to protect me avoided them all i smiled my family is so protective.

She said Jon didnt allow Jace to explain he just started punching him. I swear your mom was ready to jumping him if it wasn't for Luke holding her. "Jace didnt fight back he tried his best to block but Jon is lethal she said." Oh my he  Ja...Jace okay? I was worried now for Jace Jon can be very aggressive.

The noise settled down in the hallway. Izzy told me her family is explaining everything now in the hallway. Jace burst into the room falling to his knees beside my bed. "Clary My Love your awake" he said with tears.

I would never do what Jon--I cut him off Izzy explained already no need to repeat. Where is Jon? Luke dragged him away he was still upset at me a little even after hearing the whole story. I notice Jace had a bloody nose and busted lip.

Jace your face i said. He shook it off "I'm fine just a few bruises, but your mom got me pretty good in the ribs he smiled! Are you okay what about our babies his face became serious? Yes im fine, so are the babies it's past visting hours for them. So you wont be able to see them until tomorrow he frowned!

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