Chapter Nineteen ~Girls cling to ME~

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A/N No author note this time. It'll be at the end... Yea I just wrote this and it means there's an author's note but psssssht.


Chapter 19

Nate's P.O.V

I was in trouble. I knew. I liked this girl way more than I shoud and I have no f*ckin clue what to do. Really. I mean girls can ask advice from their BFF's and stuff and talk while we, though manly creatues have to suck it up. And girls dare say they want equality. Ugh. Back to the kitchen bitch.

I'm joking I'd never actually talk to Anna that way she's too special to me and she's probably have my balls. It's hard to remain the man in a relationship with Anna. If you can even call it that.

I in the car with my driver, driving to my friend Toby after my little stunt. I have no clue where I got that audacity. You might think that I've kissed and hooked up with a million chicks and that it shouldn't be a big deal. This isn't true... One, I'm not Genghis Khan so I haven't done a million chicks and two even though I've already said it enough to bore the shit out of anyone, she was damn special.So it was nerve wrecking.

I decided to text her. Spare her the worry of the 'should I text him? Or should I wait' phase. That was apperently a thing with  girls. Beats me why. Just text the fucker and if he doesn't text you back I've got news for you. He's not into you so go find another victim. Don't stalk the poor sucker, I've been in that position and trust me, 20 messages on your phone isn't attractive. It's not that hard.

Of course I'm being a hypocrith. I'd be sorta crushed if Anna didn't text me back. But she's the exception to the rule. It takes a real man to admit that. Not. I'm such a wussy, and even though I would never admit it to anyone, I'm so whipped it's not funny. And I've only kissed her. Once. I feel like I'm the guy in a bad chickflick. The one I'd always pity. God, I've changed too fast.

Anyway, I'm a man, I should not think about my feelings. I should be thinking about $ex. Yea, every seven seconds, like a real dude. Hmmm, that doesn't sound so bad with Anna. Oh, stop it you perv. That thong though, that shit was hotttttt.

Ok, focus Grey. Sorry, I'm about to go to the most testorone filled guy in the world. My best friend Toby. Haha, my very own BFF. LOL he'd kill me if he could read my mind now. We all known you're gay Toby!!!! Kiddin'. He was the last person on earth to be gay. After me.

You might think I admire him but I don't he's just there, and I can actually stand him, so that's kinda cool. He's going with me on tour. If he even thinks about Anna though, I'll make him eat his dick. Just saying.

Woooooooaaaaah. Hold the fuck up. I'm never possesive. I don't do possesive. FTW?!?! Girls cling to ME. Never the other way around. Add it to the list of things I HATE about liking someone. Seriously this is some tiring shit. Why does everyone want to be in a relationship if they're not with Anna? She's the only reason I'm not killing myself for these thoughts.

Finally arrived at Toby's. The guy's almost as rich as me. But he wastes it all on the rockstar life he doesn't have. Yea, pretty much $ex, drugs and rock'n roll. He's not even a singer. He's just rich because of his parents. I worked for it.

As I rang his front door, I prepared myself, because you honestly never know what this kid is up to.

A/N: Here it is... Usually I do it at the beginning, but I though why not switch it up.

If someone reads these, can they please say so  because it seems like no one does and yea... It's wasted time.

Before I go on are there any unanwsered questions in the story? Anything you guys like to know? What do you think of the not yet introduced character Toby? I'm thinking about ditching Coly ant going for Moby, but I'm not sure, so you guys can decide... GO AND DECIDE AND LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS

This isn't dedicated to anyone, because it's not good and I don't have time. It's short because I don't have time lol :P OMFG SOOO SORRYY FOR THE SHORTNESSS


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Pease out moffo's


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