Such Majesticness & self-inserts

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It didn't take the two girls long to come out to the kitchen. "So uh, what are your names? You're my roommates but I mean, I don't exactly know."

The brunette put her bag over the other shoulder, then said "Well, I'm Fiona, but call me Rainbow. Or else." She said that like it was supposed to be threatening. Yeah right, you call yourself 'Rainbow'. Then again, I didn't know what she could do, for all I knew she was a mass murderer. But moving on.

"And I'm Jessica. You can call me Derp if you want to. ^3^" The redhead was apparently able to convey emoticons in speech. Weird. "Okay. So Rainbow and Derp, or Fiona and Jessica. Nice to know."

I watched Derp take out her hair curlers in the most dramatic way possible. She did it like it was a godamn, I don't even know, Shakespeare play or something. She tossed her head afterwards to make her hair look majestic. It was curly, which was natural for someone wearing hair curlers. Rainbow took the curlers and put them in her black bag. "So, do you guys, like apparently every other being here, know about the Author?"

The brunette looked up at me. She had been organizing the bag. "I am the author!"

Oh. "Does that mean technically you're my mother?"

"Well, I'm your creator."

Good enough. Derp laughed a little. "Hey, I'll make some pancakes, if you want some." She smiled and moved her head slightly to add to the dramatic hair she had created for herself.

"Sure. They're an improvement from waffles." I watched as the redhead took pancake ingredients out of Rainbow's bag. She just about instantly was cooking them. Rainbow seemed to prefer waiting in the living room to standing in the kitchen. There was probably something like a Wii in there. I decided to follow her and check it out.

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