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You danced with Maverick for so many songs that you lost count. Near the end of the night, your feet were aching from your shoes and your mouth was sore from your smiles.

As the last karaoke song played, Maverick pulled you close. "Hey uh, I wanted to ask, since, well— because of recent developments, I figured..."

You smiled up at him. "Yes, Mav?"

He laughed a little and looked down. "Call me Pete, okay?"

You grinned, your eyes blazing. "Alright, but only if you call me y/n."

Pete agreed. "So listen, I was thinking, since both of need wingmen now..."

Pete had been bouncing from one Sharp Shooter to the next. No one seemed to be able to handle his skill.

"Well, maybe we could team up? You wanna be my Sharper?"

Your insides swelled like a balloon. You wanted nothing more than to fly with Pete. However...

"You... you really want me after how I reacted today?"

Pete smirked. "Please, you're the sharpest shooter at this school. I'd take you even if you'd
intentionally crashed your own jet."

You hesitated. "I want to, but I... was thinking about applying to train to be a pilot. I've always wanted to, and now that I'm down one, I think this might be my chance,"

Far from being disappointed, as you had assumed he would be, Pete's face lit up. "That's perfect! I've been cleared as a Sharper. I can train you!"

You were skeptical. "Are you sure?"

"Sure I'm sure," Pete twirled you around. "We can take turns flying. We can be copilots."

You laughed. "That's not a thing,"

He pulled you in close. "We'll make it a thing."


Gator puffed in his cigar smoke. "Just look at the way she lets him hold her. I wouldn't be surprised if they're sleeping together."

One of the girls that Gator hadn't bothered to learn the name of sighed while she filed her nail. "Impossible. Do you see the sexual tension between them? You could cut it with a knife. They haven't been in each other's sheets, trust me."

Gator chewed his cigar and thought. What he really needed now was for Maverick to leave. But he wouldn't be graduating until the rest of them did. This was a predicament.

"Why do you want her anyway? You could just have me..." Another girl batted her eyelashes at Gator.

He smiled and said "You're right, I'm being ridiculous." He pulled her into his lap but caught a glimpse of Y/N laughing on Maverick's arm. Hot jealousy coursed through him.

"Gator?" Purred the girl in his lap.

He shook himself. He would get her eventually.

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