
15.6K 462 58

"Left!" You shouted as Clover steered your jet.

You aimed your guns at the trailing aircraft and fired.

"Yes!" you cried as the aircraft disengaged.

"Clover, Arrow, you are clear for landing. Reenter the field." The commander's voice crackled over the intercom.

Clover, who never celebrated any of your successes, silently piloted your jet into the runway.

As the aircraft taxied to a stop, you leapt from the back seat and landed next to your jet. "Good girl," you patted its side.

"You know it's inanimate, right?" Your wingman said, also dropping from the vehicle.

You grinned. "Have a sense of humor, will you?"

As the two of you left the carrier and were engulfed in sunlight, you took out your aviator glasses and sighed. "I can't believe we're half way through training here. Just imagine: graduating, and being the best of the best! Finally!"

"You won't have to wait too long," said a voice from behind you. "You're probably good enough to pass this class already."

You turned to see Red, Bluejay, Ripper, Dagger, Gator, and Maverick walking towards you.

When Clover noticed them coming, he quickly excused himself from your presence.

"Where's he off to this time?" Red spat.

You shrugged. "You never can tell with Clover,"

Maverick adjusted his own glasses. "Good flier through, 'can't believe you two made that cut up there. We could see it from the ground. You almost tailed it,"

After spending a month with Maverick at the school with you, you had decided that his reputation was garbage. Not once had he made a pass at you or any other woman to enter the buildings. At first you though he must have a girl already, but after he told Red he didn't, It seemed to you as though Maverick really was trying to take his training seriously.

"Thanks Mav," you smiled as the group finally reached you. "Too bad we didn't get down first. Red, that was some serious—"

Before you could finish, an explosion shook the sky.

You whipped around putting a hand up to shield your face.

"It's Justice and Bowler!" Dagger shouted, pointing to a plummeting jet. Smoke was flooding the sky.

An alarm began to blare and people around you started to shout.

You could only watch in horror as the aircraft spun lower and lower, finally hitting the side of a mountain, a fantastic fiery explosion rattling the ground.

You couldn't move. You were curled up on the ground. She hadn't made it. Spider— Chelsea— she was gone, just like they were. They were gone— they were gone— they were gone—

You splashed ice water on your face and shuddered, gasping for air. You had managed to make your way back to your bunk, but the feeling of shock still hung in the air.

You sunk down in the corner on the floor, the wooden boards beneath you creaking in protest.

What were you doing? This was way too dangerous. That could have easily been you and Clover up there— just like last time. You couldn't bare it if another one of your wingmen died while you stayed alive.

After what felt like hours of wide eyed quiet sobbing, your door was pushed open. "Hello?" came a quiet inquiry.

You tried not to make a sound, but your breathing shook as you inhaled, and the man who had entered looked over to your corner.


You glanced up. It was Maverick.

"Are you alright?"

You just shuddered and rested your chin on your knees, pulled up to your chest.

Hesitating, Maverick joined you on the floor. "I know that was traumatizing. But it wasn't you. None of that was in any way your fault, and they're both okay. They both made it out okay, Justice and Bowler, they're fine."

You sniffed, paralyzed with guilt.

When Maverick sensed it was something else, he pulled his knees up to his own chest.

"It's something else then, isn't it?"

A tear slid down your cheek. "Why are you here, Mav," you whispered.

His eyes flicked to the floor. "I just... you didn't come to dinner and I saw you running away when they crashed. I knew you must be struggling and I didn't think Clover would try to help. Figured you needed a friend."

Something inside of you grew warm as you realized he had come with true intentions.

"Well," Maverick said. "I understand that some things are a bit too real to talk about with strangers." He took a deep breath, only to sigh. "But there's a dance tonight in the mess hall. It's our night off and everything." He unfolded his legs. "If you're up for it, y'know, I'll save you a dance. It'll do you some good; take this off your mind."

After realizing that you weren't going to respond, Maverick stood up and left, careful to shut the door as he did so.

You hid your face in your arms, wondering how you should feel.

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