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Things as Maverick's wingman were going great. You were finally learning how to fly a fighter jet!

However, you thought that if Maverick wanted an instructing job, he was going to have to learn how to teach a little better.

("You just wanna make sure no one is in the loading area when you land. You don't want to kill anyone."

"Duh, that's common sense.")

But, over all, you were excelling quickly. The date of the final fly had been announced and everyone around you was excited. You were mostly eager, but a part of you was still nervous to be up in the air. You kept thinking of Chelsea every time you flew. It would distract you. You needed to find a way to keep her out of your head.

After one particularly tiring afternoon of flying, you were making your way to the bathrooms when you got the odd feeling that you were being followed.

It was strange, and you felt as though this had happened before, but you couldn't remember why.

Walking a little more quickly, you made it to the entrance of the bathroom. You were about to step into the Ladies room when a pair of hands grabbed you from behind. You tried to yell but they covered your mouth.

As you silently struggled, you were pulled into the men's room and pushed up against the lockers. As you fought to get free, you realized who was holding you hostage and why you had felt like this had happened before. Gator had you pinned. You wanted to scream.

It was just your luck that this bathroom was empty.

"You're mine," Gator growled.

You caught a whiff of beer from his breath.

Your training finally kicking in, you slammed your head against his and broke loose. "Help!" You screamed, and your voice cracked.

"I don't think so!" Gator roared, tackling you to the ground. "I lost you once, and this is when I get you back. There's no one to save you this time, there's no one to tell me no. It's just you and me, and an endless night ahead."

You felt so dizzy from being slammed to the floor so roughly that you almost didn't realize Gator had unzipped the top of your uniform.

You tried to scream and push him away but his hand was over your mouth again and he was too heavy.

Tears of anger filled your eyes as you flashed back to highschool when you had been in this exact situation with him. "Let me go!" you had screamed, but he had only laughed.

Indeed, as you saw the look in his eyes you feared he would laugh again and make the scenario all the more atrocious.

Then, just as Gator managed to find the zipper of your pants, the door flew open and someone dashed inside.

You were so busy resisting Gator that you didn't have time to see who it was. But then, Gator was gone.

Something to your right slammed into the wall. "Leave her ALONE!" Someone yelled. Then followed a sound like a punch to the face.

You rolled over, gasping for breath.

Two men beside you were fighting and more people were spilling into the locker rooms. "What in hell is this?" Demanded someone from the crowd.

Then, a body slammed into the ground.

You looked at it, terrified, only to see the bleeding form of Gator lying there.

Loud voices erupted all around you but you could only sit there on your hands and knees, panting and shaking all over.

A pair of hands touched your shoulders. "Y/N, Y/N, are you alright?"

"Clear the area! Someone take her away until this is sorted out. Somebody get the commander!"

You shivered, too paralyzed to answer. Then someone was helping you up.

As you saw his face, you realized you could breathe again. "P-- Pete--"

Pete held you at your elbows and scanned your body for injury.

It was then that you realized you were half naked. "Oh, no," you hurriedly closed your shirt and zipped up your pants.

Pete didn't say anything as he led you out of the bathroom and up the hall. He didn't stop until you were both in his room. He drew the shades and stood by the window, a troubled look on his face.

You didn't know whether or not to sit, so you stayed standing.

After a moment Pete seemed to remember you. "Oh-- um-- here, come sit."

He scrambled to make up his bunk and then offered you a seat.

You gingerly accepted, pulling at your hair as you did so.

He waited a few minutes before asking: "What the hell happened?"

After finding your voice, you told him how Gator had followed you down the hall and had pulled you into the bathroom. You also mentioned that he had smelled as if he had been drinking.

The look on Pete's face was so horrible you flinched. "Uh, Pete?" You whispered.

His face seemed to soften a little. "Yes?"

"Can I... can I tell you something else?"

Pete nodded.

"Gator... well, Brett and I... we grew up in the same town. We went to the same highschool. And..." You hesitated. This was the first time you had ever tried to tell anyone about this problem. "I... well-- he..."

Pete's face darkened again. "Did he do that to you?"

You nodded.

"How many times?"

You swallowed. "I... stopped counting in senior year."

After a silence so heavy you thought you would suffocate, you felt gentle arms around you, pulling you close.

You buried your face into Pete's shoulder and cried.

He stroked your hair absently, his body tense and rigid beneath you.


Eventually, you had to make your way to the office to file a complaint against Brett. You hadn't wanted to go, but Pete was absolutely immovable. "We're getting him kicked out, or I'll never leave your side again."

Butterflies tickled the inside of your stomach as you heard that, though you knew it was inappropriate timing.

Pete had your hand in his as he marched across the hall with you in tow, the anger in his stance practically radiating from him.

"Arrow, hey, Arrow!"

You turned to see Clover running towards you.

"I wanted to apologize-- for treating you like that. I mean, if I had known--"

Suddenly, Pete had let go of your hand and was in Clover's face. "You're sorry? About trying to get her kicked out or hurting her feelings?"

Clover tried to respond, but it didn't seem like any words wanted to form in his mouth.

"Maybe you should treat your next wingman with the respect they deserve." Pete said, backing away and reaching for your hand again.

Clover was still speechless as you both rounded the corner.

"Pete, I can take care of Clover, you don't have to--"

Then his lips were on yours. Pete Mitchell was kissing you.

He pulled away, the anger fading from his eyes. "I know you can, but I'd rather keep you safe myself."

You moved your mouth to form words but nothing came out.

Gaining some dignity back, Pete said "Wow, two speechless cadettes in one day. I'm on a roll."

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