Prologue: Maybe It's Called Fate

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 "It is said that they are chosen, fated people. Yes, soulmates do exist in this world. Once you reach the age of 16, the first words of your soulmate will be engraved on your arm IF you are one of the destined people. To know if that person is your soulmate, you will see a light and feel a burning or rather a very painful sensation in your arm."

~ ~ ~

"Hey, have you heard of this rumor?"

A girl whispered to her friend. "Itachiyama Academy is being haunted by a white lady ghost." She continues. "That sounds scary and interesting. Do tell me more." The other girl replied, they both chuckle as they feel a faint cold wind. "You don't see her in the day, but when the clock strikes at midnight, you will see her whole being. She will looked at you from the eyes straight to the soul, and asked you,

"Where is my body?" and when you don't answer, she will haunt you in your dreams." The girl sweatdropped, she herself is also scared. "That sounds like a real horror story, are there really people who have seen her?" The other girl grows more curious.

"The people who have seen the ghost most probably are the people who have a school club. I have a classmate there, he is the libero of our men's volleyball team. Let's go ask him!" The girl pulled her friend inside her classroom to approach him, Komori Motoya. He notices two girls approaching him and shows his polite and kind smile, definitely an opposite of his friend.

"Komori-kun, we would like to ask you something." His classmate asked.

His mind is silently praying to God that the friend of her classmate is not a fan of his bestfriend, Sakusa Kiyoomi, because he will definitely break her precious heart. His classmate may be a fan but she hasn't made a move yet. Therefore, she is still considered safe. "Oh, Yuna-chan. What is it?" Komori replied. "Well, I just wanted you if you have heard of this rumor.." Yuna whispered the details to Komori that made his eyes widen. "There's a ghost in our school? And it only appears when it is midnight?" Both girls nodded. The fact that it caught the libero's attention of this recent rumor around school, Komori placed his left hand on his cheek to think.

"I don't remember seeing any ghosts when we are having late night trainings in volleyball, but it gets really cold in school until we leave the campus.." Komori said, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "Why don't you ask Sakusa-kun?" Yuna suggested, a hint of blush appeared on her face as she looked at her arm with words engraved on it. She is one of the fated people who has a soulmate, and she is desperate to know if Sakusa is also fated to have a soulmate.

"Yuna-chan, I told you already. Sakusa does not want to talk about it." Komori sighs, he better keep an eye on her more. Yuna huffs, that girl is desperate to be Sakusa's soulmate.

~ ~ ~

On the other side of the classroom, Sakusa has been staring at his engraved arm with the words,

"Might wanna use a different type of killing spray?"

Today class seems off for him, it's been a year ever since he got the words of his soulmate. With those words, he hypothesized that his soulmate tried to kill him first.

Is his soulmate an assassin?

He doesn't really know, and he is confused why he has this desperation to know who she is. An irk mark suddenly forms from his head, he sighs knowing that him being frustrated won't change anything.

All he has to do is accept her he guesses.

A cold wind passed by unknowingly, Sakusa thinks that it may just be his imagination.

~ ~ ~

Somewhere on the rooftop, a ghost sits on the edge of the balcony. "Three years already, huh? Almost forgot about it.." She looks at the sky with a sad smile on her face. She then looks at her engraved words on her arm that she got also year ago,

"I know you followed me." That is what it says.

Millions of scenarios appear in her head, could it be her soulmate is a playboy?

Hot and sexy boy?

All of the above?

His soulmate is so hot that she drooled over him and followed him?

She shakes away her thoughts and chuckles at herself, what a dirty mind.

Though some part of her wishes her soulmate to be handsome at the same time.

"What is it called again? Hmm.. Maybe It's Called Fate." She stood up and stretched her body. With the snap of her fingers, a bandage appeared on her hand. She uses it to cover her soulmate's words because she believes that you will know your real soulmate if those words were straight from your truest self.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and one day I'll find my own body to be human again. It would be a bonus if I find my soulmate, but of course the priority is looking for my body. My dream for now is to be alive again." She knots her bandaged tightly as to remember her little oath of her arm.

Once (Y/N) is satisfied, she starts floating. "Now, what is today's lunch?" She giggles and flies straight to the canteen.

It is now time to begin her journey.

~ ~ ~

Chapter 1 is under editing, but I'll update as soon as a finished. See you there! ❤️

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