Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

 (A few weeks later)

Rose, wake up.

Rose wake up!!!


ROSE WAKE UP!!!!!!!!

You know what? I think I should get a new alarm. Anyone else in agreement?

I groaned and crawled out of bed, and realizing I wasn't quite ready to walk, I dropped to the floor and begin crawling to my bathroom, starring a my oddly stained carpet. Maybe I need a new carpet too. I was caught up in that particular thought when I rammed headfirst into the bathroom door. I groaned and my hand quickly shot up to feel the soon-to-be lump on my head. Still gazing at my floor, I reached up and opened the door. And that's when my hand grazed a small, cardboard box. It took me a second to register what it was, but not even a second to realize I was late. I leapt up and ran to my calendar, and as I feared I was late. I should've started a few days ago. No biggie, right? just a little late, happens all the time. But I couldn't help the thought prod around my mind

What if I was (gulp) pregnant?

Nope. No. Nada. No happening. There is no reason to worry. Stop freaking your self out Rose, I said to myself, it will all be totally fine.

I pushed those thoughts aside and continued with my morning ritual, numbly making my way to school and into first period.

"Rose! Rose!" yelled Sam, her face merely inches away from mine.

"Gahhhhh!" I screamed, falling backwards. The entire class erupted in laughter. I turned red and quickly stood up, lifting my chair with me.

"Ah, Ms. Turner. Asleep in class? Am I really so boring?" Mr. Renolds asked.

"No sir. I, uhh, had a late night last night. Lots of homework, that's all." I said, trying to sound honest.

The truth was I got to bed early last night. I don't know why I was so tired.

"Well, don't let it happen again." He said, and continued with his lesson

I began taking notes this time, attempting at paying attention. Just then a small object came flying at me... right into my eye.

"Ahhhhh! Shit. Ouch!" I yelled

"MS. TURNER! Do not use such profanities in my classroom!"

Crap! I'm totally screwed. He's totally going to hate me for the rest of the year

"Yes sir. I just. Um. I kind of got something in my eye. Can I go to the nurse please?" I hate going to the nurse... but if it meant getting out of his class I was totally willing.

"Very well. But may I suggest you actually pay attention in my class and not clown around. You have made my list already... first of the year. Please prove to me you shouldn't be on that list."

"Y-y-yes sir. I'm sorry" I said, irritated both at him and myself.

I collected my stuff and shot daggers at Sam as I walked out the door, grabbing my nurse's pass on the way.

I made my way down the hall with one eye closed. It was going pretty well until I turned a corner a tad to sharp. BANG. Right into the wall. I rebounded backwards, slamming myself full force into a body. I gasped, holding my knee that I had slammed against the wall, and spin around. Only to lose my balance and fall crashing down onto...

You guessed it. Luke. Crap- Mr. Simpson. I really should work on that.

"Oof!" he grunted as he smacked down onto the floor, me only seconds after him.

I lept of the ground, felling a tinge of pain in my knee, and struggled to help him up.

"I am sooo sorry Mr. Simpson! I wasn't paying attention, you see I just hurt my eye and I was on my way to the nurse and I wasn't paying attention and a wall jumped in front of me and I hit my knee and then I... Well, I guess you kind of know."

He starred at me with wide eyes and then started cracking up.

He probably thinks I'm a retard!!!

"Did you just say the wall jumped in front off you?" he asked, a smile playing on his face.

"Yes. You heard me correct." I said completely serious.

"Well alright then. Just uh, watch where your going next time."

"I will do just that" I said, a blush rising in my cheeks. Why was I such a freaking klutz?!

I quickly turned around and began to hobble away. So far, today was not going well. It took only a few steps for me to realize my knee hurt. A lot. I guess Luke. AHHH! Mr. Simpson, realized it too.

"Rose. That looks like it really hurts. Please let me assist you." He said.

He then walked over to my aid and slung my arm around his neck. We began hobbling down the hall, me doing the hobbling, at an extremely slow pace. Im talking really slow, not for me but for... him. I was about to tell him I could walk from here on when he lifted me up bridal style. I gasped at the sudden motion but he didn't spare me a second glance. I starred at his face. I perfect, beautiful face and felt my heart beat ten times faster. Suddenly his deep, brown eyes met mine. Our gaze locked for a moment. Then I looked away. I was so not over him. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder, enjoying our closeness.

I'm pregnant and my Teacher's the Father, Can Life Get Any Worse?Where stories live. Discover now