Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I waved good bye and hopped in my car. Wow, they've never been like that before. After I told them what happened the scolded me a lot. They talked about how they though I was over the "sleeping around" as they put it. In truth, I really thought I was... but I guess not. I sighed and rested my chin on the steering wheel. It didn't take long for me to get home. It was 10 o'clock and I was tired. School/ my birthday was tomorrow and I needed a good night of sleep. I ran up the stairs, said goodnight to my sister, yelled goodnight to my parents and went into my bedroom. I got all ready for bed, set out my outfit for tomorrow and slipped into a dreamless sleep.

Rose, wake up.  

Rose wake up!!! 


ROSE WAKE UP!!!!!!!!

The robot voice of my alarm clock blared.

"Uggg" I groaned. I rolled over and slammed my fist down on the alarm clock. It shut up immediately and I smiled. Seconds later it started shouting my name again. I shrugged out of bed, unplugging my alarm clock on the way, and hopped in the shower. The freezing water jolted me awake and I quickly finished my shower. I dried off and put on the clothes I set out for myself that night, some jeans and a my moms top. I applied a little mascara and my favorite lip stick and I was ready to go. I pulled my shoes on as I ran out the door and into my sisters room. I flashed her lights a couple of times and she made a little grunting noise. I laughed and jogged down stairs only to be greeted by my parents.

"Happy eighteenth birthday sweetie!" they yelled "we made you a special birthday breakfast!"

"Aww, thanks you guys" I said. I sat down at the table. Yum!! They made my favorite, eggs and bacon... LOTS of bacon. I scarfed it down while my parents got ready. I checked my phone and bolted upstairs, great, I was going to be late for my first day of my senior year. I grabbed my backpack and ran back into Katy's (my sister) room. Up and adam Katy!!! School starts in a little!" she sighed and climbed out of bed. I waved goodbye as I darted out of my house. I jumped in my car and sped off towards school. I turned on the radio and my favorite song bursted through my speakers. I knew this was going to be a good day.

I parked in the student parking lot and ran inside the old building. The doors slammed shut behind me, and it felt like jail. I walked into the office to see the same ditz that ordered coffee from me the other day.

"Hi I was wondering if I could get my schedule?" I asked

"Whatever... I can't promise I wont spit on it though!" she said, trying to put venom in her words but it didn't work out.

'What?" I asked very confused. "Oh, you mean that you think I spit in your little cup of water crap?"

"I don't think, I know!" she accused. "And it's a low fat fizzy no cal latte' she humped.

"Right, can I just get my schedule please?" I asked already tired of this conversation.

"Whatever" she stated "I hope you can't find your class."

I laughed and the second bell rang. Shit! I was going to be late for the first day of my senior year!

I ran into first period and Samantha ran up to me squealing

"OMG!!! Have you seen the new English teacher?! He is to die for!" she gushed.

"No, I haven't... but I have English 3rd."

"Lucky!!!" Sam wined, "I have to wait till 6th to see him!"

I chuckled and our teacher hustled in the door.

"Good morning class, sorry I'm late. My name is Mr. Renalds and I am your 12 grade science teacher."

I zoned out for the rest of class, all he talked about was his expectations for this year. The bell rang and I walked to 2nd period listening to all the chatter about the new English teacher. I was kind of excited to meet him. If he was half as good looking as everyone said he was he would already be the hottest guy within miles of this place. I shuffled into class and said hi my next the teacher, I had her last year in art. She was one of my favorite teachers.

"So, Mrs. Myers... I heard there's a new English teacher."

She blushed a deep red "Yeah. He's quite the looker. I swear, if he was 15 years older I would make my move."

"How old is he?" I asked. Mrs. Myers was 38.

"23," she stated, "way out of my league."

I was about to ask another question when the bell rang. I slumped into my chair and doodled for the rest of class.


The bell blared. I leaped up and ran to English. I skirted along the hall weaving in and out of the giant crowd of people. *Crash* I twisted my ankle and collapsed into a trash can. Luckily, it was empty. The crowd started thinning as I struggled to get out of the trash can. I wriggled for a little bit and finally I escaped. Just then the tardy bell rang. I was making a habit of being late today! I gathered my stuff and ran into my English class, doing my best not to trip again. 

Coming to a halt I looked up at the foot of the door to see the new English teacher at his desk. He had deep brown eyes, and his brown hair looked a little roughed up in that super adorable way that made me weak. He was tan, and well toned. I swallowed hard. 


I know its really short, but i'll post more soon. I would really appreciate comments and votes, im new at this. Thanks so much!

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