Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

After ten minutes of bawling my eyes out, i got up and too a long, cold shower. This is my life now, i thought, and i have to deal with it. But i knew i wasn't ready. I hadn't pulled a full turn around in ten minutes, I was just ready to be okay with it. I sighed and climbed out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist and heading into my room, shufflling through the bag i packed. I picked out my comfort sweats and walked out of the room, deciding that id unpack tomorrow.  I walked into the living room and saw Luke watching tv.

" Hey, sorry i missed dinner, is there any left?" i asked shyly, realizing i was over 30 minutes late.

"No problem. You didn't miss a thing. I haven't eaten yet." Luke said as he jumped off the couch, shutting off the tv, and walked into the kitchen. "I made shrimp pasta, is that alright?" He asked.

"You waited?" I said, my heart stuttering a little bit.

"Well of course, you’re my guest." He replied with a smile.

Right. I thought to myself, I'm a guest. Don't be stupid. He would wait for anyone.

"Anyway, shall we eat?" He asked, pulling me out of my train of thought.

“Uh, yeah. Sounds delicious.” I smiled.

Dinner was filled with nice chatter, just about life. No questions about school or anything pertaining to, just regular stuff. It was nice.


I woke up to a hand rubbing my back, and I slowly peeled my eyes open and flipped over, locking eyes with Luke. I smiled, realizing how nice it was to see his face first thing in the morning.

“Morning sleepy head. You have about 45 minutes ‘till school starts. I wasn’t sure when you usually get up so I guessed. Oh, and here.” Luke said as he handed me a fresh cup of coffee.

“Yummmm.” I groaned, and flipped my covers off, grabbing the coffee and taking a gulp.

“Well since you cant drive i'd be happy to take you to school, I do have to be at school early though, so i understand if you want to get a ride with a friend.” Luke said, walking toward the door and turning around to face me.

“I’ll catch a ride with you. if that’s okay?” I said, suddenly feeling nervous. What if he just offered it to be nice?

“Awesome.” He smiled and walked out of my room.

I took a quick shower and threw on my favorite pair of black skinny jeans and an off white v-neck I got at forever 21. I ran a brush through my hair, adding some product to make it wavy, and put on a dash of eyeliner. I was ready.

I limped down the hallway, remembering to put my wheelchair in my room next time, and collapsed on the couch, pulling out my phone to check its messages.

“Luke!” I groaned, “I’m ready!”

“Alright, alright.” He laughed. “Don’t get your panties in a wad. Let me grab your wheelchair.”

Once we got to school, I grabbed my textbooks and chilled in his room for a while doing some of tomorrows homework. He sat at his computer doing teachery stuff and we had a casual conversation. It was nice. Once the first bell rang I wheeled myself to science and answered everyone’s question about my new injury. Samantha wasn’t in school and I sent her a text, wondering why she wouldn’t tell me if she was going to be absent.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2013 ⏰

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