14.Lights Up

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"help me, sometimes I feel like giving up,  no medicine is strong enough"

Vera's POV

"Okay Vera, you've never done this before and I can assure that you won't do this again. Just follow what I say. Don't be scared. Follow my commands" One of the Police says as we're driving to the airport.

I just hope I don't have to do this again. I have no other person that matters to me. Well except Florence and her family. Then maybe Tobi.. Well of course he's there..

"Okay sir" I say like a robot

"Good. When you meet get there with the bag of money. Follow whatever the person says. Then leave the place. We'll take care of this." he says

I nod.
"Don't be sacred Vera" Flo calls from the back seat.
Yeah sure.. That won't make me scared.

I turn to look at her and smile.
Couldn't have done any of these without her help. Her family's amazing.

I take a deep breath. Staring through the glass window.

I can't believe I'm about to meet my death.

The police gives me a tiny gadget. He signifies his hands for me to put in on my ear.
Never knew Nigeria had these things.. Well if you're friends with the daughter of the almost president of the Central Bank of the country, then you'll see stuffs like these.


"Okay Vera. Go!" the police says to the tiny gadget in my hear. It'll take a long time for me to adjust to this.

I walk to the cold and lonely alley. It's really scary.

I look around and don't see anyone but an old deserted truck.

"Hello?? I'm with it!" I tell hoping someone could hear me.

I hear a slow clap from nowhere.
It's getting closer. I look around but see no one.

"You got here faster than I expected baby girl" the voice says coming out from the truck.

His appearance more like someone who works out. His jet black hair, roughened. His over grown beard makes it difficult to know where is mouth is. His blood shot eyes.
He looks more like a spoilt rich kid than a poor ransom requester
Didn't expect that. But what the fuck dude? Do I look like a fucking baby girl to you?!

"He-h-here's the m-mo-money sirr" I say shakily with the bags handed out in the air.

"don't be sacred dear. We're just doing what needs to be done." he says laughing foolishly.

What a dick.

"where is she?" I say
"Give me the money first" he says with a change of tone. This time, harsh.

Geez smarty pants, for a second there I thought you clearly saw me handing the money right to you.

I think for a second whether to hit him in the nuts and make a run for it or just hand him the money. If I ever hit him where the sun doesn't shine, he might probably have a gone and shoot me while I'm making a run for it because I'm bad at athletics. There's no way I can make it.

"Well?" he says coming closer.

I take a few steps back. Vera please don't try anything stupid.

I hate my inner self.

"I want to see her here. Now." I say.
Never thought I would sound like that though.

He smirks.
So disgusting.

"Smart Vera. Okay, but you must hand it to me before I give her to you" he says.

He snaps his finger like three times, out of nowhere, another person comes dragging Mrs Jones. Her eyes all watered. She looks like she hasn't eaten for days and it was just two days ago they took her away.

Without blinking, the first man brings out a gun pointing at her.

"Any funny business, then she'll get it. Not only her, you too" he says pointing it back and forth to I and Mrs Jones.

I've never really seen a gun before. They look so easy to operate. The trigger is so easy to let go.

My heart starts to beat fast telling me 'be fast with this shit Vera'

You're not the only one.

"Give it." he says

Here goes nothing.

In a flash, I hear a sound like it was from heaven.
It's wasn't just no ordinary sound, it was gunshot.
God shoots?

This makes the boss shake with fear. He shoots unknowingly.

He shoots at the man holding unto my tied up old lady.

"Aaaahhhhhh!!!!" he yells in pain. Now bleeding in the floor.

This makes the boss furious.

"I said no funny business." he says now pointing the black life taker at me.

Let's just end this. Life had no point anymore.

Another shot comes up from heaven again. But this time, meets his left shoulder.
Why is God doing this? Maybe his angels are fooling around with his things.

There should be someone on the roof doing that.

"You idiot!" he cries out in pain putting the gun up, shooting constantly.

He's loosing control.

"Freeze!!" a police calls from behind him. Pointing his bigger gun at him.

The man drops his gun on the ground, kicking it to my side.
Now I'm really confused.. Why? I look at the gun now kissing my feet.

"Take your mother and leave now!" the police commands now hand cuffing the injured man.

She is not my mother. She's too old to be one excuse me!!

I do as he says and run past the two men. More police came to carry the man who got shot in the leg earlier.

While one more helps me with untying Mrs Jones.

This was way shorter than I expected.

Really thought I was done for this time.

I know, I know, this chapter was unexpectedly short and a little bit dry..💔

I'll try to make it up next time😐

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