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"I'm gonna love you.. Like I'm gonna loose you and I'm gonna hold you, like I'm saying goodbye..."

Vera's POV

Don't say anything silly.
Don't laugh too much. But laugh. Just a lil bit anyways.
Don't look away for too long, he'll suspect.
And don't stammer when you're talking about it! He'll think you made it up.
Don't frown Vera, don't.
Don't even think of talking fast!

My inner concise warns me.
It's after school, Monday today.. And it's the day I'm meant to talk to Tobi.
He would've called me or sent me a text but unfortunately, I remembered I was still living in Nigeria.  My phone was dead.
NEPA took light! They just decided that I should not talk to the most important person in my life.

Why would they do that??
Stupid thing is, they brought the light when I was putting on my socks this morning for school.
How am I supposed to call him at that time?

"Are you going to stay in class or what oh?" A voice asks at the entrance of the door

I've been waiting here since for Flo.
Seems like she's at the car park or so.

I turn around to respond while packing my bag.

It was Ayo...

I felt weird around her. After that restroom incident, I haven't said a word to her since. Although she gave me stares but those stares were of that of a feared human.
I suspected she'll be afraid of the next thing I'll do to her.

It was really hard to believe that she was the one talking to me. Her voice was calm and less bitchy!
I guess I thought her a lesson.

I blink out of my thoughts and look straight at her.
She looks less like a bully now..

"Oh yeah sure.. I was just about to leave. Gimme a minute to pack. Are you the one locking the door or is it Collins today?" I ask all at once.

She looks at me swinging the key playfully with her fingers. I guess that answers my question.

"Well Collins left because he had Basketball practice today, so I filled in" She says looking anywhere but my face.

Oh! That's where Flo must be.
She must be waiting for me to talk to Tobi, so we can both leave.
I better hurry.

Vera! You need to say something to this Ayo girl oh!
My inner concise screams.


"Uhm Ayo-I'm sorry about what happened the last time.. I mean the slapping of the face thing in the toilet-- I didn't mean to do that though. You just pushed me to the wall making me burst out like that.. In my defence, you deserve worse. You shouldn't treat people like that...i mean why would you pick on me?? " I say finally ready to leave class.

She looks at me still playing with the bunch of keys.
She sighs and looks down.

" I'm sorry too.. I don't even know what came up. You're right, I deserve even worse.. I'm really sorry. You shouldn't apologise for my lack of sense." she says trying to force a smile.

It's not by force oh.

"So we're cool?" I say trying as much as possible to end this convo.

She nods and smiles finally.

Yes! Now I can leave.


"I've been waiting for over fifteen minutes Vera! I don't get what this game is all about" Flo says carrying my bag for me.

I couldn't answer her because I was panting.
Maybe running was a bad idea.

"I forgot you said we were going to meet here" I say finally catching my breath.

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