Fall into place

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Beam POV

"What did you say?" I asked, still a bit surprised by his sudden arrival. "Oh uhm... did the delivery guy took so long?"

But his face was serious, devoid of the playful smile he had the whole day. What happened to him?

“I waited for you, Eamy.” I heard the name I haven’t been called for years. I don't know what to answer him.

“What kept you from going back, Eamy?” His serious comment. I don't understand why he's being like this. Why is he calling me with my nickname given by Orty?

“I waited endlessly for almost five years” No traces of smile or teasing was evident on his face.

“What took you so long to make a choice?” He slowly covered our distance.

"Forth. I don't understand what's happening."

“Then maybe this will make everything clear.” he revealed the missing picture from my wallet. The torn picture containing the face of the person I have longed to see, Orty.

I was about to swipe it from him but he elbowed my arm away. "Why is that with you? Why did you take it from my wallet?"

“HEAR ME OUT, BEAM!” He shouted which silenced me. He pulled me close to him. "You said you'll come back. You said you'll remain by my side. I waited for you but you didn’t return.”

My mind was spinning out of control. I can't think properly because I'm getting scared of Forth's actions. I'm confused.

“Five years, Beam! Five years are more than enough for you to make a choice but you didn’t! How selfish of you!”

I was in tears, not because of his strong pull but because everything was finally making sense.

He started to quote my words I said since we’ve last seen each other. "There are only two reasons why people come into our lives: to stay with you or to leave with you memories." He slowly recitated. “You assured me that you were the one that will stay.”

Then he took out something from his wallet. It was another picture. One half of a torn photo. He was holding the picture from my wallet on his left hand, the one from his wallet on his right. Slowly, his hands inched closer together until finally the two halves of the same picture were reunited after five years.

It was the photo of me and Orty. I was unable to keep my tears from flowing anymore.

"I was scared that you had already erased me from your memories. You know I never had someone before. Besides my parents, I grew up all alone." He slowly slid down to sit on his bed, his eyes already swollen from crying.

"Remember the first time we met? You were very awkward and silent as if your mouth was sealed shut. Well, you're still like that but at the same time, different." He gave me a smile that indicated sadness." I always do the talking and somehow, you patiently listened to all of them. One day, you started talking and things got better and better. I thank the one from above for finally giving me not only a friend but a confidant."

I felt a sharp pang of guilt and pain seeing a lively, caring person suffer because of me. "All was well. That's what I thought. What was once a thorny road became a levelled highway in my sight."

"Unti—, until—" he stuttered to say it. His facial expression grim. "--you left me in that miserable place."

He burst into tears like a child. I can't bear this sight. Here I am crying at a corner when I was the one who caused this adversity.

I tried to walk near him. Every step seemed like a mile. I took a deep breath and tried to stop crying. When I'm directly in front of him, I knelt and cupped his chin to look at me. We were both staring at each other's eyes.

"Orty..." I tried to get his attention. "Forth. I know thousands of sorries would not suffice to mend your heart. Only now that I realized that I was selfish. I chose to go on with my life without knowing someone was left behind."

His sad eyes continued to lock on me. "Go on. Hurt me. Curse at me. Punch me in my face. Do whatever you want that'll extuinguish the flames in your heart. After all I deserved the pain that you solely felt."

I held his hands and I used them to slap myself. I was hurting myself using his hands. "You should leave too. Disappear like I did. Go far away for 20 years and I would not stop thinking about you then."

"It's tiring to wait in vain, Eamy." He sighed.

I don't know what to say. I knew that no matter what words or cries I do in front of Forth, it will not erase the pain that he felt.

"I grew tired." He said absentmindedly.

But moments later, Forth realized what he was saying. "But I never said I'd give up."

I raised my head and looked at his reddish eyes. "After causing all that trouble, do you think I'll let you leave my sight again? You have a lot of debts to pay."

Yes. I should definitely suffer. I deserve this.

"Including this one."

He leaned towards me until there was no more spaces left between our lips. His warm and rough kiss overpowered me instantly. But if I could describe it, home would fit it perfectly. It makes you feel secured and safe.

"You dork!" He exclaimed after our kiss and then twisted my ear. "Don't you ever leave me like that ever again."

"Ahhh! Yes boss."

I rounded my arm around his nape. He dittoed my actions with his arm around my torso. I listened to his beating heart. It was racing but it just reflects the pace of my own heartbeats.

"Orty..." I touched his face while looking at his eyes.

"Eamy..." He countered with his own gaze.

Next thing I know, my back was flat on his bed while he was over me. His eyes hypnotizing me. Our lips meeting once again. Two flames of longing burned together into one big flare. Igniting each other's passion with suction and exhange of burning kisses.

"Foooortthhhh!!!!" I screamed his name when he sucked my neck.

"Forth! Forth! Forth!" Each of his name was partnered with an audible suction.

He retracted and looked at his masterpiece. "Now, everyone knows you're already taken."

I smirked. "Naughty Orty! Haha!"

One bed remained empty that night. Many questions remained unanswerd. But two worlds became one.

We fell asleep with both of his arms wrapped around my body, securing me as if I would sneak out in the middle of the night. After years of existing, this night was the night I had the perfect and peaceful slumber yet, together with my most important friend and love.

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