Chapter 22

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After my scene with Jaebum for my Acting II class, he decided to take me out on a date, which was what we agreed on when we got back together. He sent me a long text full of details of what our date would entail, which was mainly dinner, and then a surprise which I was nervous about. What could he possibly surprise me with?

I head back to my apartment with Reina and took a little cat nap before getting ready for my date with Jaebum. He told me to dress up a little bit since he wanted to feel a little classy and I never pass up a time to dress up, since I don't do it often. Since it was autumn, I decided to wear a cream long sleeve sweater, a dark orangish/brownish corduroy skirt, black pantyhose, covered by a pair of long black high heeled boots. 

I put some of my Sengalese twists up in a bun, while the remainder of my hair stayed down. I wore a full face of makeup, with Reina's assistance, but not too much that it's a lot. It looks natural. Jaebum was picking me up at 6:30PM and it was pushing 6:15PM. It wouldn't be surprised of he came early.

I get a text from Jaebum saying he's on his way and I remain upstairs until he says he's actually at my apartment complex. I head down around 6:25PM and go down the elevator and just as I reach the first level and the elevator doors open, there stands Jaebum. He's wearing a black suit jacket, a white button down wit the first couple buttons undone, black pants, and pair of black shoes. 

His hair is parted slightly down the middle and styled, so nothing is on his forehead. He wore two short dangling earrings in each ear and then an extra stud in his right above the dangled one. He looked breathtaking. 

"Hey." He says a bit nervous.

"Hey. You look handsome." 

"Oh! Um, thank you." He stutters and then says, "You look amazing." He compliments. I blush and say, "Thank you." 

"So, um shall we go?" He asked me. 

"Yeah." Jaebum takes my hand and escorts me out to his car. He opens the passenger side door for me and closes it once I'm settled and then hops into the driver seat. We drive in comfortable silence until we reach the restaurant and Jaebum is quick to get out to help me out of the car. "Thanks." I said.

"Don't mention it." He says with a small smile. 

We walk inside the restaurant and our table is ready for us. The hostess escorts us into the middle of the restaurant, but off to the side, so we could kind of be alone, even though we're a large establishment. The hostess hands us our menus and leaves. 

"You sure went all out." I said as I looked at the menu. 

"We are celebrating. I wanted to do this for you. You deserve to be pampered." Jaebum confessed. 

"You didn't have to do all of this." I blushed. 

"I know, but I wanted to." Jaebum blushed. I smile a small smile and continue looking at the menu. Jaebum also seems really nervous about tonight. I'm guessing that he doesn't want to screw anything up and make sure the date goes well. Our waiter comes to take our drink orders as well as our food orders and we're left alone once more. 

"I'm really glad our scene went well." I said. 

"Me too. We make a great team." Jaebum said. 

"I agree." 

"And you were so nervous about performing. Why were you nervous?" 

"I don't know. I mean I do get nervous, but for some reason I was. I felt like I had something to prove as well as something to gain, so I knew I needed to do well." I admitted. 

Jaebum looks at me with a small smile and almost looks a little guilty. "I can completely understand now, why you were nervous. I'll definitely address it later on." He says. My heart pumps a little harder than it already is and I don't know what to say. This means what I thought for the past week is true. He's going to ask me that question again. 

I just hope he better explains himself. I mean I could be overthinking this and that's how he says he wants us to be a couple, but there are better ways to say "I'm with you" not "You belong to me." That's just not normal. And also sexist, but that's a whole OTHER discussion and my brain can't handle two things at once . . . For now. 

Our dinner arrives and we eat in comfortable silence. This feels so different than past dates we've been on. It feels more raw and more open. As we're getting towards the end of our dinner, Jaebum says, "Can we go somewhere and talk?" 

"Did you have a certain place in mind?" I asked him. 

"The park?" "Is the park even open this late?" 


"If you say so." Jaebum pays for our dinner and we walk over towards the main square with all the little shops and the park is a couple blocks up the street. He walks me over to a bench that sits in-between the entrance of the park and the main square with all the shops. I sit down and Jaebum sits beside me. 

He runs his hand through his hair and takes a deep breath. "Ari, I really like you. You know that, right?" 

"Yeah." I said with a small smile. Jaebum smirks and slides a little closer to me. 

"The last time I did this, I didn't ask you this properly. I won't make the same mistake twice." He said honestly. Jaebum takes both of my hands, looks into my brown eyes and says, "I want nothing more than to have you be by my side. Will you be mine?" He says sincerely. 

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