Chapter 24

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"We're demons." Jaebum confessed. Demons. As in creatures from hell? Spawns of Satan, demons? Black Butler, Sebastian, demons? I looked at everyone in confusion, shock, and uncertainty. What the hell do they want with me? What does being a demon have to do with me? 

"I don't understand. What does you being a demon have to do with me?" I asked. "Ooh, here's the fun part. You are someone's mate." Wonho said. 

Mate? "Like a soul mate?" "Precisely." 

"So, that question you asked me all those weeks ago--" 

"It was somewhat of a proposal. I wanted to ask you early on to avoid all of this, but--" 

"I threw a fit because of how you asked me." 

"Yes. I couldn't stay away from you since your scent drives me insane and I couldn't stand being away from you." 

"But we met freshman year. Did you not know then?" I asked. 

"No. My powers or rather my abilities were still pretty brand new but I did feel a connection with you. I just didn't know how to go about it." 

I took a moment to process everything and then asked, "What does this have to do with them?" as pointed at Ten, Chanyeol, Wonho, and another guy. 

"Because I stepped in that night of my show, they didn't like that. Plus the fact that you had no interest made them want to have you more." 

"So, am I your mate?" I dare asked. 

"Yes." Jaebum answered with no hesitation. "But--" 

"I also have this connection to you, Ms. Aria." Chanyeol said. "I may not be your mate, but I feel something towards you that I can't seem to shake. Since you aren't claimed by your so called mate, you are fair gain. And besides, I'd be a much better mate for you than that half breed." Chanyeol smirked. 

"You're not my type." I said as I glared at him. "Ooh!" All the other guys said. "Why you little--" 

"Watch yourself!" Jaebum said as he stood closer to me and shielded me from them. 

"She's too good for you, Jaebum. She'd be perfect for Chanyeol." Wonho said. 

"Didn't you also come on to me?" I asked Wonho. "I did. Mainly out of spite. I get off on ruining people's moods. Especially Jaebum's. He gets angry so easily. It's very entertaining." Wonho smirked. 

"I should've killed you when I had the chance." Jaebum threatened. 

"Jaebum, don't." I said. There is a lot of information that was just given to me. "So, why are we even here?" I asked. 

"There was supposed to be a duel and whoever won the duel, gets to have you." Jinyoung explained. 

"Why have a duel when the one I want to be with is Jaebum?" I said a little irritated. I turn and look at the four hooligans and almost looked intimidated. I'm so heated right now. 

"So, you mean to tell me that you bone heads RUINED my date with Jaebum multiple times because I wasn't interested in you? And not only that, we're out in the middle of nowhere for you to have a duel?!" I yelled. 

Every male was silent and a little taken back by my outburst. "Aria," "No! What PROOF do you need to go away and leave Jaebum and I alone?" 

"Well, you have to mate." Ten said. 

"Ten?!" "What? She asked. I like her. She's feisty." He smirked. 

 "All right. What do you need to do?" Everyone kind of goes silent and some even have a slight blush on their faces. They answered my question without even saying anything. 

"Okay." I said in a curt manner. I grabbed Jaebum's hand and said, "Let's go boys!" to Mark, Jackson, and Jinyoung. They all look at each other and they follow after me and Jaebum. The other group doesn't even stop us, which is kind of surprising. We get to the cars outside and I said, "Your apartment. You ALL have some explaining to do." I said.

"Yes ma'am." They all said in unison. Mark, Jackson, and Jinyoung leave in the car they came in and I turn to look at Jaebum. "Ari,"

"Take me to your apartment. I need to hear more information before I say something I'll regret." I said honestly. 

"Okay." Jaebum said. We get in his car and we drive to his apartment in silence. I'm so high on adrenaline it's insane. Since I do have a moment to think to myself, I need to absorb the information I was given. 

Clearly, I am Jaebum's mate. No doubt about it and I do accept it. I always felt this very strange chemistry with him and now it makes sense knowing he's half demon, in a way. I also learned that all of the guys could also turn on me at any moment since they're not all human. The final thing is how we're supposed to mate.

Judging by the looks and blushes on the guy's faces, clearly it's an intimate thing. Meaning, I most likely have to have sex with Jaebum in order to I guess "legally" become his mate. Am I even ready to have sex now? I mean I am an adult and I don't really care if I wait until marriage or not, but sex is a HUGE step.

You're literally giving your entire being to another person and become one, which sounds so romantic and special, but if with the wrong person, it could be used against you. Do I want to have sex with Jaebum? It's come across my mind a few times, but actually going through with it, it's a little intimidating. 

School doesn't exactly teach you how to have sex and porn isn't exactly real, so how do you even learn? Besides my rambling in my head, this whole thing could be really romantic and I'll cherish it or it could be heart breaking and I regret it, but I do love Jaebum. 

We finally reach Jaebum's apartment and I take a deep breath. I turn to look at Jaebum and he's looking at me. "What?" I asked. 

"Before we go in there and I tell you everything, do you--" I leaned towards him and kisses hie cheek. "I still like you, Jaebum. That has not changed. In fact, you could even say I love you, but after this, no more secrets." 

"Absolutely." He said almost immediately. I smile a small smile and we get out of the car and head inside the apartment building, into the elevator and up to Jaebum's floor. Jaebum and I walk down the hallway and we reach the door of his apartment and we're standing there for a moment. 

"What are we waiting for? You have your keys in your--" Jaebum leans down and kisses me, which catches me completely off guard and he pulls away. "One kiss before walking inside, and also pay back from earlier." He smirked. 

I blush and cross my arms. Jaebum chuckles and he unlocks the door and walks inside, while I follow after him. I go sit on the couch beside Jinyoung and Jaebum sits beside me. "So, tell me everything." I said. 

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