Cuddling Sessions...; Satan x Shy! Reader

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Requested by: little_turtle_chan chiaranaraki

I hope you two don't mind me combining your requests. Turtle_Chan requested a cuddling/reading session with Satan and Chiara wanted a shy reader with Satan so I thought this would be better than making two different oneshots. Satan may be OOC? I don't do well writing him.

I also realize I haven't updated in a long time, sorry about that guys! Writer's block sucks so much.


I was sat in my room, staring at the cover of the book Satan had lent me. I wasn't that much into reading, but I at least wanted to try out something he liked. Heaving a sigh, I reluctantly opened up the book and tried to read the first page

Either I'm stupid or this is the language of the gods. Who the heck can read this stuff?! Annoyed, I immediately shut the book. Standing up and brushing myself off, I decided to get a snack from the kitchen, praying that Beel hadn't eaten everything.



In the kitchen, I was surprised to see Beel nowhere in sight and instead to see Satan. Looking closer, I could tell he was making some tea, so to not bother him; I quietly made my way to the fridge. Slowly opening the fridge door, it made a creaking noise, slightly scaring me and alerting Satan.

"Hm, Ayana?" I heard him ask. I breathed in and out before turning around and awkwardly smiling at him. "H-hey, Satan! Funny too, uh, s-see you h-here!" I stuttered out with a red face, playing with my hands.

"It's the kitchen. How...?" Satan raised an eyebrow at me and I silently cursed myself for being so stupid. "Uh, r-right." I gulped, staring at the floor. "So, how's the book?" I froze up and nervously laughed "It's, uh, g-great!"

Satan smirked and closed the book in his hands. "Really? What's your favorite part, so far?" If I wasn't already sweating, I surely was now. "I-I... I, uh-" My chest felt tight and I couldn't form words. "You haven't read any of it, have you?"

I shamefully shook my head at the question. "I-I'm sorry! I just cant s-seem to understand wh-what's even happening, or w-what I'm reading!" I clasped my hands together and slightly leaned over "Please f-forgive me!"

It was silent for a while and the silence was making me nervous. I was about to apologize again before I felt a hand on my head, making me look up and at Satan. "S-Satan...?" "Of course I forgive you, I'm not that heartless. We could read together if that would help?"

I vigorously shook my head. He chuckled at me before quickly grabbing his book and cup of tea before leading me up the stairs and back to my room.



I grabbed the book and sat beside Satan on the couch. Satan shook his head "No, that won't do." I was confused. He grabbed me by the hips and placed me in his lap, hugging me into his chest. My face flared up and I could feel myself shaking.

I could practically feel Satan smirking. He took the book from my hands and held it out to where we could both see it. Flipping the page open, he started to read aloud for me, but I could barely even focus on the reading.

I weakly gripped my chest and tried to pay attention. Noticing how I wasn't listening, Satan poked my side. "Y/N, pay attention." As if it was that easy! I yelled in my head. "I-I'm trying..!" I hid my face with my hand.

Letting out a sigh, Satan placed the book on the table before calmly laying down, taking me with him. "W-what are y-you-?!" He stopped me from talking by placing a finger over my lips and placing his head into my shoulder.

"Shh, if I cant read to you, we'll just cuddle. You can't seem to focus anyway." I stiffly nodded and bit my lip. This made me blush and shake even worse. It was quiet for a while before Satan groaned.

"Stop moving, I can't fall asleep."

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