Chapter 27 |•| mask

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Snow's pov.

"I'LL KILL THEM FOR EVEN THINKING OF SOMETHING SO DISGUSTING!" i screamed out of anger as i threw the envelope harshly.

I ruffled my hair frustratingly.

"That's the reason why i wanted you to come back immediately. The trail of those escapees are still fresh. They're doomed if they were caught along side you... that's why we have to stop ray from looking for you at the mean time.. it'll endanger him and the others.." he explained as he dat beside me trying to calm me down.

Tears escaped my eyes from frustration from what i read.

They're all fucking disgusting.

"I wont let anything happen to you... let's get rid of them ok?" He said assuring me as he handed his handkerchief to me.

They're plan is to have the ratri clan impregnate me... in shorter words rape. They didn't want my DNA cause that would make an artificial human being with my abilities.. they wanted something natural... they wanted to rule the world using me.

As if I'd let that happen.

"So what's your plan? Cant i just go and massacre them all?" I asked him as he stood up.

"We continue with the plan.. to destroy all plantations and gather all the kids here.. all you need to do is get rid of the group that they sent to get you.. dont worry they wont kill you so it should be easy to outwit them." He said but i saw the hesitation in his eyes.

"You dont want me to really kill them right?.. dont worry i wont.. I couldn't bear to do it anyway.." i said smiling at him.

I know him.. he's kindhearted.

He smiled at me... there's really just the two of us now huh?.

6 months later~

"Have you tracked them yet?" I asked vincent as they came in after their trip to destroy one of the mass production farms.

"Which one?" He asked as he opened his laptop.

"What do you mean?" I asked him confuse.. why aren't we on the same page?

"Your precious ray or the men who wanted to kill you?" He answered teasingly .. maybe its bad that im around him all the time hehe.

I rolled my eyes at him playfully as i looked at his laptop.

"I tracked the men who wanted to kill you .. but it's really hard to track your friends.. it may take quite a long time to find them." He said as he typed away.

I sighed . If only i followed them that days

"That's fine i guess... so? Where's the men who wanted to kill me?" I asked and came close as he pointed at the map on the laptop with red dots flashing in and out.

Oh.. near one of the villages huh?.

I had to lay low from them for the last 6 months and instead helped with destroying the farms.. they must be having a hard time looking for me.

"That's pretty near the demon villages.. i think you have to wait for them to head away-" vincent was abruptly stopped as Hayato bursted in the room.

"Frost! i got what you want!" He said smiling widely as he raised the things that i asked him to get me.

He was the one in charged of getting supplies this week from the mass production farm nearby and i asked him to get me a few things from it.

"Wait- that's a-!" Vincent stared at the demon mask along with the weird hood or cloak that they wore as i took it from hayato.

"This is the perfect disguise to get inside the villages without a sweat." I said smiling at vincent while i hovered the mask over my face.

"Nice job hayato!" I said as we high fived.

"Now would you let me go with you?" He asked trying to copy my puppy eyes to which i only laughed.

Sometimes i forget that he's a year older than me.

"I dont know~ you dont even have a disguise.." i said scratching my head.

"Who saids i dont have one?!" He said smiling as he reached out from his bag taking a mask and a cloak out.

I laughed at him coming close to his face as he blushed furiously. I playfully sniff his face.

"Nah.. you smell like human cattle.. they'll see through im very sorry but im leaving you here" i said playfully patting his head even tho he's taller than me.

"Awe come on frost! Vincent made me something to take away my scent see!?" He said pointing at something attached to his arm.

I stared at it before turning to Vincent... you little prick.

I sighed deeply.. welp looks like i cant say no huh?

Beside hayato could come in handy with his fast legs.

"Welp ... go get packing then." I said shrugging as he hugged me tightly saying thank you before fastly leaving the room.

Sigh... that knucklehead just had to be irresistible.

Its already almost a year since i last saw gracefield... ray.. how are you?

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