10.| Babysitting Pt. 2

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Hearing the screams after the shot was fired was terrifying. Covering Hailie's ears, not wanting her to hear it, two more shots went off.

Khlo got out her phone and started typing as fast as she could. Not knowing who it was, I was just praying that they could help.

I felt my shirt getting damp, knowing that Hailie was crying. Looking to the side, I saw that the sketchy guy was tightly gripping a little boy, holding the gun to their head. The mother was screaming in horror at the fact she couldn't get to her kid.

The car was parked at the front of the park. Getting to it would be hard to do without him seeing us. My mind was racing trying to come up with an escape plan.

There were trees scattered all around the park. If we raced to them and hid behind them, he wouldn't see us. I got my phone out and put it on silent texting Khlo.

Renae: I have a plan, if we hide behind the trees and run to the car he won't see us.

Khlo: But there are leaves all over the ground. He'll hear the crunching.

Renae: WELL DO U HAVE ANOTHER PLAN?!?! We'll be quite

Khlo: Tell Hailie to stay quite. I texted Denaun and he said that they were sending security and cops.

Renae: K how the fuck did we end up in this situation?!?!

Khlo: idk but I'm never going to babysit again

I looked at Hailie and put my finger to my lips, indicating for her to stay quite. She nodded as I stood up and picked her up. Thank god that the thing we were behind was basically a big wall. Khlo and I looked at each other and she put three fingers up and put one down each second.

Once she got to one, we quickly, but quietly made our way to the tree.


I looked to see that the shooter aimed his gun at a guy. The guy put his hands up in innocence and shook his head. Covering Hailie's ears and burying her head in my chest, I made sure she didn't see or hear any of this. She was going to be scarred enough just by hearing the first shot, I didn't want to ruin her life more.

The next tree was about five feet away. There were barely any leaves on the ground so making it by without making noise would work. Again, Khlo counted down and we ran to the next tree. Getting to it, I scratched my right arm on the bark of the tree and it hurt a lot. I could already tell I was bleeding, but I didn't care. Making out of this alive was my only concern.

The second to last tree was the farthest and most difficult. There were leaves scattered everywhere. Looking over I saw the guy still holding the little boy. My heart was pounding and I thought it was going to burst out of my chest.

Hailie sniffled loudly making the others hear.


"Who's there." A deep voice asked.

I held my breath, hoping he wouldn't come over. But he did, his footsteps got closer and I wanted to run, but we couldn't. Any sudden movements from us and he would shoot.

Before he got to us, the other families made a run for it, making him shoot. That's when Hailie started crying. I tried to get her to calm down, but it didn't work. We made our way to a bench and hid under it before he saw us.

I looked at Hailie and her eyes were red. I felt so bad, she was just a kid, none of this should be happening. I would never forgive myself is s something happened to her, she was Marshall's kid. He was my best friend and if something happened to his daughter because of me, Marshall would hate me forever.

There was nothing we could do. He was shooting the other families and looking for us. I could see his black boots from under the bench as he was walking in our direction. Just when I felt all hope was lost, sirens started blaring. Thank god, cops were surrounding the place and EMTs were going over to hurt families. The shooter made a run for it, until he tripped and fell. We got up from under the bench as we saw the cops put hand cuffs on him.

"Jesus fuckin Christ." Khlo said letting out a breath.

"She said a bad word." Hailie told me while she pointed at Khlo.

I rolled my eyes and took a breath.

"Yo, what the fuck!" I heard the all to familiar voice.

We turned around and saw Marshall, Proof, Denaun, and Paul running towards us.

"Take your daughter, I need to sit down." I gave him Hailie and sat down on the bench trying to breath.

"What happened?" Proof asked sitting next to me.

"Hailie wanted to go to the park." I said.

"Then a sketchy guy started shooting." Khlo added.

"How the fuck does that even happen?" Marshall yelled very angry.

I looked at him and shrugged. I was trying to understand why he was so mad. I mean, yes I understand that I had his daughter and she could have gotten hurt, but in my opinion he should be more concerned than angry.

"I don't know." Khlo said, her voice cracking.

I knew she wasn't okay. Her voice never cracks like that unless she's scared, which happens very rarely. I looked over at her and it look like she was hyperventilating.

"Khlo, you good?" I asked concerned.

"No." She took another breath.

Denaun pulled her into a hug and she sniffed into his chest. I was shocked, she's normally very calm in situations like this, even though something like this has never happened.

"Renae, your bleeding." Paul pointed out.

I nodded, "I know."

"That's a lot of blood. How are you not in pain?" Proof asked while rolling up my sleeve, revealing a huge cut and some bruises.

I pulled my sleeve down, not wanted them to see my bruises and shrugged, "Adrenaline I guess."

"Aunty Raw Raw has a boo boo." Hailie said as she pointed to my arm.

"Yea, she'll be fine." Marshall told her.

"We should go. You have to clean up that cut before it gets infected or somethin." Proof said helping me up.

"Yea we better leave before the news broadcasters get here." Paul informed making me groan.

Being friends with a celeb could be so annoying. We all got up and left, since I was in no position to drive, Proof drove my car back to the studio.

"I better get payed extra for protecting your daughter." I told Marshall seriously.

He chuckled and nodded, "I owe ya one."

I'm really sorry this chapter is really bad, but the next chapter is hopefully gonna be better lol

Also I didn't edit this chapter so there might be some mistakes

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