What's on your mind... (Contestshipping) *LEMON-ADE*

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"Ugh, I couldn't eat another bite," May burped. "How about everyone else?" May asked her pokemon team.

May's pokemon smiled at her, as they all replied in their respective names.

"That's good, I'm glad everyone's gotten enough to eat!" May smiled while packing her bag.

"Oh, guys. I don't know what I'm gonna do, Drew wants me to meet him at his place in about an hour. He said he'd tell me what's been on his mind during our previous battle. At first, that sounded like something I wanted to pursue. However, now I'm not so sure."

"Bulbasaur-saur" Bulbasaur felt May's distress, and quickly jumped onto her lap, and rubbed against her leg.

"Oh, Bulbasaur. Thanks for the comfort. I would feel better, but Drew told me to come alone" May explained. "Whatever's on his mind must be really deep if he doesn't want others to hear. I sure hope he's okay. As smug as he appeared, he looked a little angry during our last conversation."

May stood up and stretched her arms to the sky, and took a moment to appreciate the warmth of the sun on her face before she glanced down at her team "You guys ready to go?"

Her pokemon nodded eagerly. May grinned back in return, settled everyone back into their pokeballs, and went to the front counter to pay the check.

"Thank you so much for coming, and have a great rest of your day," the cashier beamed brightly at her.

"Thanks, I'll try," May half joked as she strolled out of the cafe. Within minutes, May was back at her place throwing clothes every which way in an attempt to find something nice to wear, for meeting up with Drew. This kind of behavior was so out of

character for her, and the more she thought about it, the more it confused her.

Why am I acting like this? May thought. Afterall, it's only a boy. I mean this is Drew we're talking about here. May reasoned. Then again, he has a way of making me tick. Even back at the pokemon center there was something about his presence that released a different side of me entirely... so much so that I confessed my feelings for him. Me, of all people. I didn't think I would ever be the type of person to to do that... and so confidently too. But there's just something about Drew that makes me feel like I can do anything... May let her thoughts run on and on about the green haired boy until she was fully convinced without a doubt that she had to go over and see what was on Drew's mind. Once she settled on a nice outfit, she laced up her sneakers, and headed over to Drew's room. Since they were both competing in the nearby pokemon contest in a couple of days, they were both living in a hotel set aside for contestants.

"F-5, F-6, F-7, and F-8 here we are" May knocked on the door, and within a couple of seconds, Drew opened the door and greeted her with a nod.

"So, I guess you did decide to show up after all," Drew grinned smugly. "I didn't think you would actually have it in you to come."

All May could do was stare at him, as she felt a new wave of confidence hit her.

"Drew, just because we know each other, doesn't mean you know everything about me. I learned a lot of tricks over the years that get me pretty far in life." May gloated.

"Oh yeah, like what?" Drew quizzed. "What has the great and powerful May been up to since we were younger?"

May shook her head amazed at how much Drew had to learn. "Drew, Drew, Drew, you see all I am is honest about what I want in life," she stepped closer to the green haired boy. "And just recently, I've discovered the power of being confident too."

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