Stormed In (Palletshipping) *LEMON*

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"W-well this is just g-great," Ash shivered, as he stepped into a hollow semi-dry cave. "I'd say we're going to be stuck here for at least a couple of hours, or until the storm dies down a little..." he looked up to the sky that was now flooded with storm clouds, and shook his head in disbelief. Just an hour ago, the weather was absolutely beautiful, with not a cloud in sight. "Geez, what a mess we're in."

"Well, Ashy boy, we'd be back at the lab by now if you hadn't insisted on observing all of those Pidgey back on route 2," Gary nagged, crossing his arms.

Ash rolled his eyes a little. How could he be this lucky. It was just a couple of weeks ago that he had decided to come back to Sinnoh partake in pokemon research, and today was supposed to be his 'perfect' first day. Instead, it was all but perfect. It all started when he woke up to his sickly Pikachu with a case of electrical overcharge. This both forced Pikachu to stay at the Pokemon Center, and caused Ash to miss the morning meeting where the all the new researchers got paired up with one another. Ash was happy to hear that he could still tag along in a quick day research assignment with a senior researcher, but his excitement quickly died when he found out that his partner was none other than Gary Oak. The same Gary Oak he just so happened to know since he was in diapers. The same Gary Oak that for some unknown reason, has always talked down to him.

"Well, it's not my fault that a storm decided to sneak up on us on our way back to the lab," Ash snapped back.

"Sure, blame it on Mother Nature, typical Ash!" Gary taunted, a hint of playfulness in his voice. For some reason beyond him, he kind of enjoyed seeing Ash get all flustered.

Actually, to say that Ash was flustered was an understatement. Instead, he was quite fed up with Gary. Ash turned away from Gary, deciding not to react. He started to trudge further into the cave. He thought he might as well explore what kind of pokemon live here.

Gary took notice of Ash's inactive response, and frowned. As much as he liked seeing Ash squirm, he also knew that he could be a little overpowering at times. Although Gary felt like he couldn't help it when it came to Ash. There was just something about him that made Gary's heart feel confused about his true feelings for the younger boy. The only way Gary could think of defending himself was through teasing.

"Hey, Ash. What are you doing now?! You're just gonna get lost, and then I'm gonna have to come find you." Gary laughed.

Ash rolled his eyes before looking back at Gary "I might as well see what pokemon live in this cave. Just stay there. I don't want to be around you!" Ash yelled back not caring anymore about his manners.

Gary sighed as he watched Ash wander further down the cave. I did it again didn't I? he thought to himself If only I could just figure out how I feel about Ash, then maybe I could just be honest... No, what am I thinking?!? I can't do that! There's no telling what Ash will say or do!!!! Gary looked at Ash again, who was almost out of sight All I know is that I want to keep watching him...

Just as Ash was about to disappear from Gary's line of vision, Gary impulsively started to walk further into the cave, following Ash's trail. I just want to see what he's gonna do Gary reasoned with himself, as he picked up his pace. Being the quick mover that he is, Gary caught up with Ash in a matter of 30 seconds. It wasn't until he was within 10 feet of the younger boy that Gary decided to start tiptoeing closer.

Gary's secret pursuit only lasted for a couple of minutes before Ash finally turned around and spoke up "Geez Gary, I know you're following me. Why don't you just leave me alone! You don't have to follow me around just for another chance to tell me that you don't like me, ok?!? I get it!!" Ash shouted out.

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