Chapter 3

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"I assume you haven't heard of Terrasen" their blank faces gave me an answer to that. 

Should I tell them everything? About the war? No. Since I had already lied about my identity it was probably best to keep all information brief.

"Well, the place where I live is called Erilea. It is inhabited by humans and fae. As I said before, I am an assassin from a country called Terrasen. And just like you, I have no idea in hell how I came here. I was just minding my own business when some kind of portal opened and I was sucked in to this world."

"Well..." Feyre started. "I actually think I read about this Erilea in a book a while ago. But how can we trust that you just accidentally came here?"

"Yeah" Cassian agreed. "Why would just you out of all people be brought here. Especially since it is nearly impossible to open portals between worlds."

"Well, there isn't really anyway to know if I am speaking the truth now, is it? I guess you will just have to trust my word." I replied with a wink.

"Or I can just get the information straight from your head!" Rhysand said with a growl.

"Not if you want a fist in your face too" Rhysand was surprisingly easy to anger. Feyre was clearly a soft spot for him, so it would be easy to manipulate his anger to my will.

"Well if you have nothing useful to tell us, I guess you will just have to stay locked up in here" Rhysand said and snapped his fingers. Two chains appeared out of thin air.

"But first, take off your weapons" Knowing that there was no point in arguing. I slowly dropped weapon for weapon in a big pile. With a snap of his fingers they were all gone. She would have to find out where they went later.

"Are the chains really necessary?" I asked, not daring to reveal my fear. Chains were still a big weakness for me after being tortured my Maeve.

"Yes, we can't really trust you to not escape" Feyre said with a stern face as she grabbed the chains. She pulled up the sleeves of my shirt to attach the chains, and for a moment pain flashed across her face. I looked at my arm and realized that you could clearly see the marks from where I had been chained by Maeve. For a split second I could see the pity in her eyes as she took in all my scars. She seemed like the most sympathetic one out of them all, that would definitely be useful against her.

The chains were made out of some weird wood. That is an odd material for chains, I thought. They attached the chains to my arms and wrapped them around my stomach.

For a moment, panic swelled through me and I could see the iron box and could feel the tightness of the iron mask on my face. I could almost hear Maeve laughing in the distance about how easily she could affect me. I shrugged the feeling off and hoped they hadn't noticed anything.


The girl, Celaena, started talking about "her world", but I could barely hear what she was saying. I was fuming with anger. This human girl had just punched his mate, his MATE. He wanted to rip that bitch's face off.

I must have left my mental barriers down, because Feyre replied.

It's okay. She clearly doesn't understand the importance of our titles. If she's speaking the truth about being from another world, she may not even have met fae before. Let's just be a bit easy on her okay? She squeezed his hand

The words cooled me down a little bit, but I was still raging with anger. But they needed all information they could get from the girl, so he let her attitude slide. For now...

"Well, there isn't really anyway to know if I am speaking the truth now, is it? I guess you will just have to trust my word." Celaena said. Now she thought that she could keep information from us? This girl was really getting on my nerves.

"Or I can just get the information straight from your head!" I snarled at her. It was probably a good idea to keep up the cold and powerful facade for now, to keep her in place.

"Not if you want a fist in your face too" Not only was she insulting him, she was also trying to embarrass Feyre. That bitch! But I had to keep my anger in check, I couldn't get too angry at her this early, and risk turning her into a pile of dust.

What should we do with her? She clearly won't talk and we shouldn't break her trust too much by reading her thoughts. I said to Feyre through our mating bond.

Let's just keep her in this room for now. Maybe we could let her join us for dinner?

Sounds like a perfect idea darling

She could still possess some kind of magic even though she is human. So we should probably lock her up with Ashwood chains just to be sure.

With a snap of my fingers the chains appeared. For a moment the girl's face paled a bit. I had to hide my smirk. She must be a big pathetic coward if being locked up in chains scared her.

I was a bit surprised by how many weapons she had on her. Her whole body seemed to be covered in dagger. I guess it wasn't that odd considering that she was an assassin.

"Are the chains really necessary?" she asked.

"We can't really trust you to not escape" Feyre told her with a freezing cold tone. That's my mate.

Feyre grabbed the chains and walked towards the girl. I used a tiny bit of magic to keep the girl down so that she wouldn't try pulling one of her stupid stunts again.

Feyre pulled up one of the girl's sleeves, and I was blown away by all the scars across her arms. Most noticeable was the marks around her wrists from hand chains.

Well, the girl was clearly a really wanted criminal if they had punished her like that. He didn't feel the tiniest bit of pity for her, she probably got what she deserved.

But Feyre clearly didn't think like me. I could feel the pity that she felt for the girl. I guessed it was because of Feyre's own memories of being locked up like a slave. My blood heated up just thinking of what Amarantha had done towards my mate. 

"I hope you will join us for dinner." Cassian said as we left the room. I didn't bother checking if the room had any sharp objects, there was no way she could escape the chains. But I reinforced the room with magic to make sure she didn't escape.

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