Chapter 13

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This really hadn't gone well. Three of us were already out. It was only me and Feyre left-

How had it come to this? I had been so sure of our victory. These people that had fought alongside me for hundreds of years were so easily beaten by these newcomers. I had really underestimated them, but not anymore.

My power was quickly building up inside of me. One of them, Dorian, was standing before me. He was carrying himself with confidence, a smirk playing on his lips. He had just defeated Mor and Cassian, and seemed very sure of winning over me.

I had to keep myself from laughing him in the face.

Dorian raised his arm and a blast of magic shot on to my shoulder. I barely flinched as it hit me, and just kept slowly walking closer to him. He did it again, but this time it was a dozen ice crystals flying towards me. I raised my hand, and they all dissolved into nothing. Pathetic.

I took yet another step towards him. Darkness had now started forming in my hands, and it was quickly spreading out. It was not the usual darkness representing the beautiful nights of The Night Court, it was the darkness that you would see in the deepest corner of your prison cell, and in your worst nightmares.

I was just a few meters from him now. A phantom fist was sent my way, and I caught it before it could hit. Dorian slid back a bit on the ground, his face strained by the amount of power he was using. He raised both of his hands now, basically using all of his strengths in the single fist I was holding. I got pushes slightly back at first, thrown off guard by the strength in it, but quickly regained my posture.

He had completely forgotten about putting up shields around himself. My powers had been building up inside me for quite a while now and were ready to be released. It was time for him to get a taste of what it would be like to meet someone that was actually trying.

He wasn't ready as darkness erupted around me. Tentacles shot out from around me, clinging to his legs and arms. He furiously fought against them, and tried using fire to keep them away. He must not have seen the true form of darkness before, something so dark that no light could come through it.

He fell to his knees, and the darkness wrapped around him even more. His arms were help up at his sides, and his knees were glued to the ground. The only part of him that was free was his head, which was hanging in defeat.

"Make this easy and yield," I said in a dangerously low voice. I wanted to fight alongside Feyre, and didn't have time to fight someone this weak. No response came, he just sat there, and I almost thought he had passed out when his head slightly lifted.

"No." With a lot of effort he broke both of his hands free. His body started changing, and I realized that he was shape shifting. His skin became rough, and his skin got an ashy color. I had never seen the creature that was standing there before. It looked like what mortals called dragon. He flapped his wings and lifted from the ground. The creature was massive. Its mouth was full of sharp teeth and his wings gleamed in the sun light.

He did a big turn in the air and shot towards me, faster than sound. His fangs were just inches away from my throat as I sent him flying to the side. His body slid over the ground. He slowly changed back to his human form, but not completely. There were still some dark patches on his skin.

He tried to rise up to his knees, but this time I wouldn't let him. Since he didn't have any barriers up, I could easily get into his mind. I dug out some of his most painful memories, which were his biggest weakness. I saw a young girl losing her head as he was screaming her name, Sorscha. I saw another scene of a furious girl holding a knife against another guy. Her hand was frozen in the air, making her incapable of using the knife. I realized that the girl was Aelin. The scene changed and he was now towering over an older man. I realized that Aelin was here too, and their powers combined with each other as they sent a powerful beam towards him.

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