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Friday came way too quickly. I was fidgety all throughout the entire day, and I couldn't focus on anything my teachers were saying. Finally, it was the end of the day and time for auditions. The stage was flooded with all sorts of people. I didn't know more than half of their names, though everyone seemed to know each other. Everyone had a number pinned to the front of their shirt. I was number 6 and EJ was number 8.

"Everyone line up," Ms.Jenn yelled. Everyone got into a line. I somehow ended up between EJ and his cousin Ashlyn. Ms.Jenn started walking down the aisle and giving everyone some sort of vibe check. 

"You are giving me major Taylor vibes." Ms.Jenn told a girl before turning to the boy next to her and hesitating, "You're like a... Chad."

She got to Ashlyn and gasped. "You. You are giving me an uncommon amount of depth.Ms.Darbus?"

"I'm dying, I'm deceased yes," she said exited.

"Great!" Ms.Jenn moved onto me.

"Hm..." Ms.Jenn studied me, "Kelsey?"

"Gabriella," I said a little too quickly, "I want to audition for Gabriella."

"Alright!" she said. She moved onto EJ.

"Troy." She said immediately. She moved onto a girl next to EJ.

"Gabriella." the girl said before Ms.Jenn had even opened her mouth. A big 1 was pinned to her shirt and she made no effort to cover it up.

"Alright!" Ms.Jenn said. Everyone began warming up for auditions.EJ and I stood off at the side and watched the odd numbers take their positions. The music started and they began. The girl with the number 1 began dancing like there was no tomorrow. She was amazing. 

"Alright!"Ms.Jenn exclaimed when they finished, "that was a good warm-up odds."

"That was the warmup?" I asked turning to EJ.  EJ laughed.

"I know right? It took me a while to get used to it. Number 1 killed it though. I think she's new too."

Ms.Jenn checked her watch and announced,

"We're running out of time, odds, evens, pair up with someone of the opposite spectrum. Odds with evens, evens with odds." I quickly made my way to 1. 

"Hey," I said nervous and excited at the same time, "Um, I'm Nini! You're new here right?"

"Yeah," the girl said smiling at me.

"I'm new here too!" I said a little too quickly.

"Oh, my gosh!" the girl laughed, "You are so adorable! So, ever been a lead before?"

"Uh, no," I admitted.

"Cute," the girl said inspecting her perfectly polished nails, "I don't know if things work the same around here, but in most places I went, if someone had a lead before, they have a larger chance at being the lead."

"Oh..." I said, "Have you played a lead before?"

"I've never not played a lead." the girl said. She reached out her hand, "Gina."

"Nice to meet you, Gina!" I exclaimed. I knew that it was better to have Gina on my side than against, though it seemed like that at the moment. Easier to attract flies with vinegar than honey.


"Am I late? Am I late? Am I too late?" I burst through the doors of the auditorium. Everyone turned to me. I didn't blame them. My hair was messy and disheveled and the guitar case in my hand was swinging around and I clomped towards the stage.

"I'm sorry honey, everyone already auditioned." the new drama teacher said. I clenched my jaws. If the stupid science teacher hadn't kept us for 20 minutes after the bell we wouldn't be having this problem.

"Sorry, Mr.Marazza kept my class back," I explained. Ms.Jenn hesitated.

"Well, in that case," she gestured towards the stage, "Who are you reading for?"

"Troy," I said. A boy handed me a green piece of paper.

"You can read for Chad," Ms.Jenn suggested.

 I scanned the auditorium until I saw Nini. She gave me an encouraging smile.

"I don't get it, Troy. I mean she's just a girl. What's so special about her?" I felt everyone's eyes on me, but only Nini and I were in the room. "I don't know Troy," I said wrinkling the green paper in my hand, "Maybe it's because Gabriella was always there for you. Maybe it's because you blew it with her, and you can't stop beating yourself for it, because no matter how hard you try, she's always going to be on your mind. Maybe it's the way she knows you better than anyone else. Or maybe it's the way she smiles and makes you feel like you're worth it. Maybe it's because even though she's not there or with someone else, you can't stop thinking about her." The room was silent.

"Well..." Ms.Jenn said a little breathlessly, "Song?"

"Oh, I kinda prepared my own thing..." I said unzipping my guitar case.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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