Chapter 5

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I did a double take and made my way back to the door and put my ear against it.

No denying it. There was definitely something going on in there. I definitely will not be the one to break it up either.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. What am I to do? I could contact Darrick but it might be too soon. I just met him and all.

I glanced at my phone and walked down the hall. Though I am upset with Karsen, he's seeming like the best option at the moment. Besides, I need to talk to him anyways.

I scrolled through my contacts and called him.

"Hello?" He asked groggily through the phone. It was obvious he wasn't the one in the room since he picked up. I wasn't very surprised.

"What's your room?" I asked.

"Why do you need to know?" He retorted.

"Kristen and Coby are doing the nasties in the room and I don't have anywhere else to go." I heard him sigh before telling me his room. I said my goodbyes to him before hanging up.


I made it to the door and knocked. Soon a shirtless Karsen in all his glory answered. I did everything I could to not run my eyes over him, but when he turned around I definitely admired his back muscles.

Snap out of it Anna. I sighed and glanced around their room. It was pretty much the exact same as my room. I eventually sat down on the couch.

"First of all we need to talk." I said calmly.

"Hm?" He asked covering himself up once again in his bed. I thought for a second about what I was going to say. I hadn't come prepared at all.

"You didn't stick up for me back there. It really hurt my feelings." I finally said. He sat up with a blanket still wrapped around him.

"I felt uncomfortable." He mumbled sheepishly.

"See you were convinced you loved me the other day, but if you really did you would've stuck up for me." I continued ignoring what he had just said.

"well..." He started but never finished.

"Then you obviously got jealous over Coby and Kristen's actions in the limo. I don't want to be some replacement for my sister." Karsen was about to speak but I held my hand up to silence him.

"Let me rephrase that, I won't be a replacement for my sister. I won't be a way for you to get closer to her. I'm honestly shocked at how I could've loved you in the past." I sighed and finally let out a breath feeling relieved.

"Ah that felt great to get out! Forget I said that, well actually don't because it needed to be said." I stretched out on the couch before glancing at Karsen. He sat there with a almost confused look on his face.

"You really have changed." He finally said. I just smiled and nodded to him. Then he suddenly stood up and sat next to me. I looked at him raising an eyebrow questioningly. He stuck his arm out and wrapped me in the blanket with him. The next thingI know he's like snuggling up to me. What is with this kids actions? They don't make any sense.

I heard a ping on my phone and took my arm out of the blanket to try and get it, sense I had set it on the coffee table, but Karsen grabbed my wrist and brought it back in the blanket. At one moment he's jealous of my sister and the next he's cuddling with me? What on earth is going on?

Suddenly I hear his breath go peaceful. He is not asleep. I glared and tried to move, but this big baby had a grip on me.


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