Where The Skies End - Rescue Bots

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This is different from the miniseries.

Cody was feeling better about himself and his chest hurting faded away. Blades was thinking more optimistic for his thinking of life hating him so much. Chase was trying his best to be more emotional knowing his numbness state of himself. Boulder was being at more ease with himself with his fears of being hurt by others.

Heatwave was glad he took care of his team, even Cody, but something keeps nagging at him that something needs to be let go. Heatwave feels all the burdens of his team, his partner, and Optimus' on his shoulders as if he can lift them into the air


It was too heavy for him to lift it up...

He looked at his team seeing how grateful and graceful, but something in him made him churn from the sight of happiness, he sighed softly thinking about his time being weak. He kept his thoughts running and running until a voice dragged him out of his head.

" - Heatwave!," a voice called out that he turned his helm to the source of the voice....

Blades was speaking.

"Hmm? What?," Heatwave questioned the copter bot who smiled. "You weren't listening, I said 'don't you think that we should know what's bothering you'?," Blades asked as Heatwave snorted a laugh.

"Nothing is bothering me, Blades, I'm doing alright," Heatwave says, leaning against the wall and turning his helm away from his team. Blades gave Heatwave a look as Boulder and Chase looked at Blades before looking at their leader. "Heatwave, you have been distant from us starting a few days ago," Chase noticed as Heatwave turned his helm at him.

"I was having my time to myself," Heatwave says, getting off the wall and standing tall. He could've sworn that he felt pressure on himself, the pressure that is telling him to not speak and not to say. The pressure of his team makes him feel uncertain that he felt his energon boil, he growled in anger before walking off leaving his team baffled.

He walked to the tunnels feeling the dirt, stone, and pebbles of the planet. Thoughts began to fill his mind that he came across the open forest, seeing the grass and trees surrounding him. He looked around cautiously before walking farther and farther away from the tunnel, thoughts began to cover his processor again.

'You can't even run?,' a voice asked in a tone.

'Wow, you can run, but not for long? Pathetic,' another voice asked pretending to be impressed.

'You're a failure, no wonder why they abandoned you,' another voice says.

'Very weak? Reminds me that a scraplet can be father to devour you!," another voice says in a more insulting tone.

'Heatwave? More like Weakwave,' another insulted sarcastically.

He shook his helm at the memories before finding himself alone next to a cliff. He looked beyond the cliff seeing the whole town of Griffin Rock. He opened his chassis and took out a blade, he looked at the blade with an unreadable expression.

'Protecting yourself with your fist is a good start, but this blade is the next level,' the familiar mech voice says as Heatwave sucked in a breath hearing the voice. Now he remembers what he needs to let go of...

The death of Firekicker.... The burning memory of his death played in his helm ever since that day, his spark drops as if plummeting to the ground without another thought. He let out a shaking breath before he looked at the blade, the blade he was given as a present from Firekicker.

He wanted to drop the blade into the running river or throw it somewhere in the ocean, but deep within, he doesn't want to give it up AT ALL.

He never killed anyone, but just gave minor damage to others and made them leak energon. He remembered the time he had to stab someone for hurting Blades, he kept his grip on the blade before he looked above seeing the starry night.

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