Chapter 5

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Scarlett woke to find Parker still asleep. She checked the time on the clock and it read 6 am. She got up, picked up her backpack and went into the bathroom to get dressed. She went to the loo, brushed her teeth and her hair and went and sat on the bed. She was wearing blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt tucked into the front and her hair was in a high ponytail. She wanted to explore the grounds but thought better of it. After what felt like forever, 5 minutes in real time, Scarlett got up and put her shoes on. She couldn't sit around waiting for Parker to wake up. She crept out of the room and down the hallway. She waited before she was out of the building and away from windows and cameras before morphing into a wolf to explore the grounds of the school.

A couple of hours later, Scarlett lifted her head and turned her ears towards the school. She could hear movement from inside the building. She focussed in on Parker's voice and heard him calling her name. She honed in on his window. The second floor, far right of building C. Next to a drain by the sound of the water. Perfect. Scarlett changed back into human form and ran silently to the drain pipe. She started to climb. She finally got to the window and knocked. Parker opened the blinds and saw her hanging onto the pipe. He quickly opened the window and she swung into the room and landed gracefully on the floor.

"Where were you?" Parker asked worriedly.

"You were still asleep and I was bored, so I went exploring. Don't worry, I stayed out of sight." She replied.

"Good. How's your wound?" He asked. Scarlett lifted up her top to show the side of her stomach. There was a small scar but nothing else. Parker traced his finger along the scar. "There's almost nothing there. Like you didn't have a major injury." 

Scarlett pulled her top down again. "Is that not normal?" She questioned. At the workshop, they were often testing on her, but her cuts and wounds mostly healed overnight. It didn't really affect her.

"No. Something like that would usually take a week or two heal that well. You must have a really fast metabolism for it to heal that fast." Parker replied. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Parker?" Came a male voice.

"Quick. In the bathroom." Scarlett picked up her backpack and entered the bathroom. Parker got out his dressing gown from the bathroom and shut the door. He quickly put the dressing gown on, opened the door and coughed. "Hi Owen," Parker said in a groggy voice.

"Mate? Are you ok? You look awful." Owen, a tall, blonde, shaggy-haired boy with a sporty figure said while walking into the room.

"Thanks. I feel it." Parker replied. "I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it to the cinema today. I'm really sorry."

"No, that's ok. You rest, we'll go another day. I'll just hang out with Harry today. Anyway, I'm gonna go before I catch anything. And don't worry, I'm sure as soon as Emily finds out you're ill, she'll be over here to nurse you back to health." Owen laughed. "We both know she has a huge crush on you." Owen laughed harder this time, but Parker only awkwardly laughed. Owen left the room and Parker shut the door behind him.

"You can come out now," Parker spoke through the bathroom door.

"You lied to your friend?" Scarlett half asked and half stated.

"Yeah, but I'm sure he'll understand. You see Scar. Can I call you Scar?" Scarlett shook her head. Parker laughed. "Ok, well. You see Scar, Silver Creek is a very prestigious, expensive boarding school. If any of the teachers or wardens saw you, they'd kick you out. You have to stay hidden, so no one can know you're here. Understand?" Scarlett nodded. There was another knock on the door and Scarlett shot back into the bathroom. Parker opened the door again.

A tallish, blonde girl shot over the threshold and into the room. "I brought you some plain toast, a cup of tea and a spare blanket. How are you feeling?" She shoved a thermometer in his mouth.

Parker took the thermometer out of his mouth. "Thanks, Emily. You didn't need to."

"Of course I did. You're ill and you don't have a girlfriend to look after you." She looked up at him and batted her eyelids.

"Ok, well thanks for coming, Emily. And thanks for breakfast." He ushered her out the door.

"Well, ok. I'll be back later. Is there anything else you need in the meantime?" She said hopefully.

"Actually yeah. I'm really hungry, like more than plain toast hungry. Could you bring me the head boy breakfast from the canteen? And an extra glass of juice to save me getting some later?" Emily looked at him in confusion, but he just shut the door.

Scarlett came out of the bathroom again. "So she's the one with a crush on you?" She asked.

"Yeah, but she's my best mate's sister, plus she like a sister to me. I don't have any family, so the Shaw's are my family." Parker replied.

"I know what you mean. My mum died giving birth to me and my dad was shot. I ran away from the Worksh... ires. Workshires.  My... foster... family." Scarlett said slowly as she thought of the words to say to correct her mistake.

"Well, you ran away to England from Canada. I think you escaped." Parker laughed. 

"Parker?" Emily was back. For the third time, Scarlett shot into the bathroom again. Parker opened the door for Emily. She was carrying a tray with a plate of food and two glasses of orange juice. 

Parker took the tray. "Thanks, Em. You're a star." Parker put the tray on the chest of drawers. "Now, you better go before I pass anything onto you." And he shut the door again. "Breakfast," Parker said. Before he could blink, Scarlett was out of the bathroom and on the bed with the tray on her lap. Parker wasn't too hungry so just took a piece of bacon and sausage off the plate and put them between the 2 slices of toast. He let Scarlett eat the rest. When they were both finished eating, they just sat and talked all day. Scarlett was in and out of the bathroom as Emily came in and out with food, Owen came to visit with Harry and Matron came to check on Parker and take his temperature. It was a good day.

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