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Mortality level 3

Shapeshifter: A human that can turn into a specific animal, like with the most commonly known as werewolves a human that can turn into a wolf or a werecat a human that can turn into a cat etc. Though they prefer to be called Wolf-Shifters and Cat-Shifters. Shifters have enhanced senses they can see at night with ease, hear better, better taste, and smell better, they have enhanced strength as well. They have a longer lifespan than humans. They have animal instincts which can be very strong at times but there is no animal or other being in their head. Shifters live in pack, pride, or group like settings, with an Alpha leader structure. Certain Shifter types only live with their families when they're young and move on when they grow up visiting their family occasionally. Whether they live in a group or alone they are very much like their animal in that regard. On rear occasions lone type shifters can choose to live in a group. Shifters usually have the behaviors of their animal, ex wolf-shifter is easily angered, mouse-shifter is easily frightened. The small animal a shifter can get is a mouse, there are no insect-shifters. 

Shifters resemble ordinary humans in their day to day lives, though they are considerably stronger and faster even when not transformed. Additionally, they possess heightened senses even while human and their core body temperature is considerably higher. A common trait of predator Shifters is that they can be quite aggressive and easily angered. By nature, they are predatory creatures and grow violent when they feel threatened. Shifters are very driven by their emotions and may experience involuntary transformation when experiencing extreme emotions such as anger or fear. When using their abilities or while emotional, the eyes of a Werewolf will start to glow.

Wolf-Shifters, Cat-Shifters, Fox-Shifter, Bear-Shifter, Deer-Shifter, Horse-Shifter, etc.

Alpha - The alpha is the leader; they try their best to keep up with what's going on within the pack. They see each of the pack members as family and make important decisions that reflect the growth and welfare of the pack. The alpha creates the rules for the pack and makes sure they are properly enforced. Alphas decide on ranking, courting, assessments, and banishment of Shifters. Another important responsibility of the alpha is to maintain the pack's hunting territory. The alpha calls group hunts and decides when and where to hunt, along with the betas and hunters. The alpha provides an emotional center for the family and focuses for friendly feeling in the pack. One of the most important social functions of the alpha is to help maintain an even temper and bond of the family. During pack meetings, most issues will be discussed with the pack as a whole. The final decision will be made by the alpha after all opinions are heard by the pack members. The alphas have the final say so in everything yet act only for the good of the pack. An alpha's mate is called a Luna and is the female equal to the alpha.

Beta - The Beta is Second in command. They are thought of as less important than the Alpha and Luna, but more important than the rest of the pack. They also lead the pack when the Alpha and Luna are away from the pack.

Delta - The delta Shifters is a Shifters in training for beta position. They are third in rank to alpha and beta. Deltas do not hold the authority to call medium or large hunts. That is a privilege to only ranked alphas, betas, and hunters. Deltas usually become the next Beta after training is complete, but one can remain Delta without moving to Beta position. When this is the case, if ever the current beta is removed from their rank, steps down, changes rank, or leaves the pack, the delta may take the place as the new beta at the alpha's request.

Healer - They heal and take care of the ill and injured. No magic or powers, just herbs and special medicines from resources. They have recently started to train in the human world to become medical professionals to better help their pack.

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