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Mortality level 3

Pixies: Generally benign, mischievous, short of stature and attractively childlike. They are fond of dancing and gather outdoors in huge numbers to dance or sometimes wrestle, through the night.

 They are fond of dancing and gather outdoors in huge numbers to dance or sometimes wrestle, through the night

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(Picture of Pixies)

Mortality level 3

Sprites/Fairies: small human like beings with wings, are only between 16 and 18 inches tall. Their gossamer wings resemble those of an insect and beat fast to keep them aloft. Their wingspan is about 20 inches. Their bodies are thin and lithe, their faces are long and comely, and they have large but slender and pointed ears. They are nimble, they have enhanced senses they can see at night with ease, hear better, better taste, interpret emotions on touch, and smell better. These creatures are quite durable for their small size.

 These creatures are quite durable for their small size

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(Picture of Sprites)

Here are some of the most common powers used by fairies:

Invisibility – Most sprites/fairies are invisible to the mortal eye. Fairies can show themselves if they want, but mortal minds have a hard time understanding what they have seen.

Glamour – Glamour is an illusion. Usually used on their appearance.

Healing – Some sprites/fairies have the ability to heal people. How they do it depends on the fairy. Very few can use touch to heal. Most of them use an ointment or feed you some of its food.

Illumination – Some sprites/fairies can generate light from their bodies that can light up a large room.

Shadowmelding – A certain type of sprites/fairy, called a darkling, can merge with shadows. It allows them to quickly move between shadows and become intangible.

Animal Communication – Many sprites/fairies can communicate with animals and understand their emotions. They can summon most animals in their immediate area for protection.

 They can summon most animals in their immediate area for protection

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(Picture of a Fairy)

🌹 I don't own any of the pics 🌹

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