|Part X|

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Although she was becoming emotionally stronger, her perception was still a bit obscure. She didn't hide behind ill strength. She hid behind nothing. But, this was new to this broken girl, so used to being hurt. She couldn't understand or comprehend where this positivity was coming from. Therefore, naturally, she told herself it was a negative thing, her new strength.

She'd come such a long way that she assumed her contentment was somehow fabricated; her poor soul couldn't believe it. But she needed to learn to stop beating herself down. If being productive was what got her towards being okay, then that's what it took. Gradually, the girl saw what it was like to finally leave things behind and focus on her own wellbeing.

And she loved it.

She prepared herself for the real world. She meditated and did yoga, worked on her favorite hobbies, and began to see the world in a more positive way. And maybe one day she would be ready to love again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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