Kaiserreich: Legacy of Weltkrieg

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In june 1914, The heir of Austo-Hungarian Empire, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his pregnant wife Sophie was assassinated. This lead to the most devastating world conflict and events that caused the largest transformation of world border since the Fall of Rome. The war costed tens of millions of death and took eight years for the central power to emerge victorious. United state of America would spiral deeper into the great depression and France would fall to revolution and civil wars. One nation above all however had finally gained its "place in the sun", a nation that world respected as a great empire, Kaiserreich.

Founded by Otto Von Bismarck during Franco-Prussian War, the German empire was immediatly one of the most powerful nation in the world, second only to British empire but soon it will change as the time went on. Its rapid industrialization led ti massive population boom and by 1900 it has surpassed the united kingdom to become the second largest economy in the world after the united states.

In 1914, German empire decided to declare war on Serbia which allied to the france, british and the Tsardom of Russia. 2 years later, Serbia have been finnally conquered by the german empire. During that time, German empire failed to achieve a rapid capture of paris and forced to endure the horrific of the trench warfare. The exhausted french population made increasing demand of peace and made massive protest that will lead to massive riot. After that, France fell to a democratic revolution. In 1917, germany finnaly conquered the chaotic French empire and the attention of the german military was redirected to the newly established Soviet Union, which was forced to capitulate in 1920.
In the 1921. This was achived by the command of Chancellor Alfred Von Tirpitz. With no way to break the stalemate, the Kaiserreich and British Empire signed a so called "Peace with Honor". In 1922, additional treaties were signed and the Great War Finally Ended.

A year later, the former leader of he Soviet Union fled to United States hoping that his idealogy would spread to the North America. He would take advantage of the economic depression to spread his idealogy and perhaps start a Communist Revolution in the land of freedom. He formed a secret party called "Communist Party of America". His belief was the only way to america recover from the great depression is by communism. Unfortunaly, he died at 5 October 1923. His successor was James Dickeson. He managed to make the south believed that the only way to end the great depression was by starting war and communism was the best idealogy. The north and south belief were so diffrent at that time. The south demanded the US goverment for the souh to seced from the union. The goverment refused and the Second American Civil War started.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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