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In the middle of the battle between good and evil, there stands Lucifer who despises all these creatures given to him. He never wanted to turn his back, he never wanted to gain this much painful and inflicting pain power where he is bound to be alone forever.
He was the misunderstood one here, people not knowing what was the truth behind his punishment and why he was sent to this deep blackhole of sins, he wanted to cry and shout but no one, when you say no one, it literally means that not even his parents stood up for him.

He was GOD's favorite angel, everyone knew that. He did everything to maintain the balance of goodness of people, he follows thoroughly with the rules that angels can't have feelings and they shouldn't talked to the demons in the underworld. He was at his greatest peak and he almost become the highest rank in becoming an angel. With wings like him, he is powerful enough, almost like the powerful man he obeys. He never thinks of bad actions, he didn't dare defy GOD's words.

But when the gate keeper of hell went up to GOD to give in a report that there were things happening in the underworld and that they needed help to control it, it was bound to happen. God knew all along that he needs to send his favorite angel down there to balance and use his power into his own capability in managing the one and only task, one that is important to keep the world balance... Lucifer has to be the underworld's GOD. He is mighty and he thinks cleverly, he can use his advantage in knowing the language of the body without words of comprehension and pressure.

"Lucifer!" GOD shouted as he shakes hand with Maalik, the gate keeper of hell
"Yes! I was just doing something" Lucifer explains as he straighten his back, wiping his sweats along the way
"I need you to escort Maalik going back to the golden gate at the back. You know where it is right?" GOD said
"Yes! On your service!" Lucifer said as he bows and waited for the keeper to walk first

Along the way, Maalik have shared some of events that is happening way down in hell.

"With Satan gone for awhile, it will be chaos" Maalik said as he looks back to Lucifer
"Oh no! There should be a way! Don't worry mister my GOD will probably do something about it!" Lucifer innocently said, it caught the keeper the interest, that he is the one who can rule over the world under.
"Well we just have to wait!" The keeper said as he taps the angel's shoulder and went to walk away.

Lucifer waves his hands as he said goodbye to the keeper. The gates close and lucifer went back to GOD as he remember that GOD has something to tell him. He manages to skip some friends as he wishes to be on his service with GOD. With an excitement as he is informed that he can almost be one of the highest ranked angel. He didn't realize GOD was at the meeting in the White room with some of the higher upsp. He was about to knock when he heard his name being talked about.

"Lucifer.. I think he is strong and has a will-power he can manage it" GOD said with a shrug
"But he is one of the greatest and well known angel here we can't just throw him out of heaven it will ruin his heart" one of them said
"You'll turn him into something he doesn't want. Talk with him first!" Cupid said as he is close with Lucifer, they sometimes look outside the heaven's well to see couples being lovely
"With the GOD of the underworld gone, there's no much time to discuss this" GOD said as he tries to think of the easiest way how to tell Lucifer what's going on.

"You'll sacrifice one of your best angels? And ruin his pure heart?" One angel said

It's well known fact, that Lucifer is close to all of the angel as he is innocent and pure-hearted, he means no harm and he will help if you need him too. That's why some of them really doesn't want GOD to throw Lucifer out of heaven as he is much needed there.

"This is also hard on my side. It hurts me but I need to send my strongest angel out there" GOD said as he sat on his marble chair, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"All I want to say is... this is the biggest mistake you will ever have" the great-grand angel flew away, with a heavy heart.

"You will taint his heart of pure disgust and hatred. His heart will be ruin with someone he trust so much. Please think about it for awhile. Maalik said they will try to hold it for sometime" Cupid said

Lucifer stand frozen when GOD's eye met his, he didn't mean to eavesdrop he was confused and hurt. Why would GOD want him to be in hell? Did he do something wrong? Lucifer thinks as GOD approaches him.

"Lucifer" GOD said, sadness shown in his tone of voice
"Y-es?" Lucifer said as he backs away, scared that GOD might cut his wings and throw him straight to hell for eavesdropping
"Did you hear everything?" He ask

Lucifer knew better than to lie so he said yes and bowed his head. He is terrified mixed with hurt that the GOD he looks up to, wants him to go down to the hell.

"Well I think.. We need to think of a way right?" GOD said. Lucifer perks his ears up, hearing a chuckles. Relief washes through him.
"Yes! We will think of a way" Lucifer said.

GOD chuckles as he sees those red cheeks of Lucifer and his eyes lights up. Lucifer is really innocent and that's what GOD's like about him. Lucifer has a pure heart he is really the angel that GOD wanted to be his right hand but the commotion under needs a leader. All the evil spirits is going crazy and ballistic. He can't just turn a blind eye. It was a sacrifice, a heartbreak, but he needs to do what it is needed. Someday, Lucifer will understand that he is the only warrior the world needs. He is GOD's mightest angel that can balance, the good and the evil.

"I sent you... because I wanted you to balance the prophecy. I know you can handle this Lucifer. I sent my mightest warrior to earth because I know he can watch over them and give the proper punishment they deserve." GOD wrote in the letter and left the angel that is sleeping soundly with a smile on his face.

"... I sent you because I know that you can do this. This is the hardest task to be given to anyone and I trust you enough to carry this out..."


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