Chapter Six

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Ravenpaw was crouched next to the rock pile on a patch of stone cleared of snow, tucked into a skinny mouse. He took his time eating, enjoying the warmth of the blood as it trickled down his throat. He watched with large yellow eyes as Eagleclaw paced restlessly in the clearing, tail lashing in fear. In the moment, she looked more like Acornstar than ever.

The deputy's ears perked and she looked to the camp entrance. Ravenpaw tested the air and found a patrol was returning. There was a light clattering of rocks, and Oakcloud appeared, followed by Pebblepeak, Willowpaw, and Thorntail. At the sight of them, Eagleclaw was racing across the clearing.

"Well? Did you find her?" Her mew was harsh with anxiety, and her ears were flattened in fear.

Oakcloud regretfully shook his head. "We couldn't find her. The snowstorm got rid of any tracks and scents. I don't think she's in the territory anymore."

"She wouldn't just leave! She knows the territory better than anyone, I'm sure she's just..." Eagleclaw's voice broke off, but she forced herself to speak again. "I'm sure she's just calming down."

"She left four nights ago, Eagleclaw." Snowfern limped over the warriors' den, holding one of her back legs in the air. "Maybe she's... gone."

"She still has lives left!" Eagleclaw snapped at the white and black she-cat. "Even if she froze in the storm, she would come back to life and then return to us!"

"I don't think she means that kind of gone," Oakcloud murmured softly to the deputy. "Maybe she..." he trailed off when Eagleclaw looked fiercely at him.

"Maybe she what?" Eagleclaw growled. "Left? You think she abandoned us?"

Oakcloud swallowed awkwardly and lowered his gaze.

Eagleclaw curled her muzzle like she looking at rotting prey. "She. Will. Return." Despite her harsh tone, Ravenpaw knew that the she-cat was more trying to convince herself than anyone else. She was worried, wishing for her mother to return. Even though Acornstar did nothing but cause problems, it was obvious Eagleclaw was still desperate to keep the estranged she-cat close.

Oakcloud gave a slow nod of acceptance, and the deputy turned around and walked away. She paused before reaching her den, looking at the fresh-kill pile. There was only a few pieces of prey in the cleared-out space, looking small and cold. Ravenpaw looked guilty down at the remains of his mouse, and took every last piece of meat from the bones. He knew, though he never hunted for his Clan, he still needed to eat, and was determined not to waste any prey.

I'll try to hold off for the rest of the day--the injured cats need it more than I do. He would find something tomorrow morning, probably something left over. Already, his stomach was showing disappointment. The mouse had done well to curve his hunger, but only for so long.

"Oakcloud," Eagleclaw said suddenly, "take your patrol out again. Go hunting in the forest, and keep an eye out for Acornstar. Snowfern, you go get that leg seen too, it doesn't look well." Flicking her tail, the deputy walked across the clearing and disappeared into the leader's den.

"Come on," Oakcloud meowed to the patrol. "Let's head out."

Thorntail let out an annoyed growl but followed the others as they left again. They were obviously tired, but they were in the best shape health-wise and were desperately needed to take care of their Clan. Getting to his paws, Ravenpaw shook out his fur and headed across the snowing clearing. He sniffed his mother's back leg, padded by cobwebs, and then her shoulder. The shoulder bite seemed to be healing well, but there was a harsh, sour smell from her clawed leg.

"I think you might have an infection," he mewed to his mother, worry piercing his heart.

She touched her nose to his cheek. "I figured. I was heading to your den when I heard Eagleclaw."

(Outdated) Warriors: Clouded Skies #3 - Silent StarsWhere stories live. Discover now