Chapter Thirteen

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It didn't take long for the patrol to find where Acornstar had stayed after leaving EchoClan--right where the mountain curved away from the Old Thunderpath a large oak tree stood, with a small den under the roots where Frostfall detected a faint scent and Silverstrike found some amber-colored fur stuck on some thorns nearby.

"Seems like she stayed here for a few days," Frostfall commented, "probably uncertain where to go. If we had checked outside the territory right away we probably would've found her."

"So we're not far behind, right?" Jaypaw asked excitedly. He felt a strong shiver of anticipation at exploring farther, but had a worm of fear in his heart of the unknown--he pushed it away, focusing on what was before him and that he would be well protected. Pretty soon, I'll learn how to protective myself and others. He flashed a look at Ravenpaw, who was intent on sniffing some nearby herbs. One day, he would be able to keep his brother safe, to avoid any accident like with the dog that injured Blossompaw. He imagined Ravenpaw being injured like that, and felt a surge of anxiety.

"Only by a few dawns," Silverstrike answered the apprentice. "That'll help with keeping the trail in scent, as long as nothing holds us back too much."

"Do you think we'll catch up to her soon?" Shadefur asked, sitting down and scratching behind one of his ears with a back leg.

"Probably not," Boulderclaw meowed. "She'll move faster by herself, especially since some of us are injured. We'll just have to hope she doesn't travel too far, or eventually settles somewhere for a while so we can catch up to her."

"Hopefully it doesn't take too long," Stonecoat meowed. Jaypaw had noticed that since they left camp, Stonecoat hadn't been too happy. It was obvious he didn't really want to go on the journey, but Shadefur had dragged him along.

"We should head off, then," Silverstrike meowed. "Frostfall, can you find her trail?" The tom looked at the she-cat standing next to him.

"Probably," she said, leaning her head close to the snow and opening her jaws wide, looking intently at the ground. She wandered for a few moments before heading in a straight trail back in the direction of the Old Thunderpath. "She went this way," the she-cat reported.

"Sounds good," Silverstrike purred. "Let's head out." He and Frostfall led the way through the snowy woods, with Ravenpaw hurrying from his herbs to travel next to Jaypaw. The white and gray apprentice instantly noticed the low position of his brother's head--he always held it level with his shoulders, as if he were sulking, but Jaypaw knew it was just anxiety.

As it turned out, Acornstar's trail led right to the Thunderpath, then followed along the edge. After not long, Jaypaw noticed that Rain continued to look to the other side of the path, and his steps seemed to hesitate. Ravenpaw seemed to have noticed too, for he was quickening his pace to reach the gray tabby, but then Rain drew ahead until he was just a little behind Silverstrike.

"Silverstrike, I have a request."

Without stopping, the silver tom glanced over his shoulder. "And what would that be?" He sounded a little amused, like he was humoring the tom.

"I was hoping we could make a detour--it isn't far, and it won't take long." Jaypaw heard the desperate tone in the tom's voice, and it seemed Silverstrike did as well, for he slowed to a stop and looked back at the tom.

For a few moments he was quiet, then he finally said, "okay, lead the way--it better be close."

Jaypaw was a little surprised by how quickly the tom had agreed, and as they followed Rain across the Thunderpath he noticed that Silverstrike's ears were down, and he was walking a little slowly. Jaypaw and Ravenpaw passed him, and the apprentice looked over to see a lost look in the tom's eyes. Obviously, something about Rain reminded him of a past only he remembered.

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