9. Muted

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They were just inches apart. He could feel his hot breath against his lips. His fingers ran through Dipper's hair.

There was no place Dipper would rather be, than in his arms.

He felt completely at ease.

Completely safe.

He looked up and met Bill's eyes. The two of them leaning closer and closer...


Dipper sat up in his bed abruptly, switching off his alarm clock, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Dipper felt sore. He had almost forgotten about the events that had transpired the night prior.

Though his dream the previous night had completely filled his thoughts, blocking out the pain.

I kissed Bill...or almost anyway.

If he was being honest, he never even thought of Bill that way. Sure, he was nice and definitely good looking, but he had always assumed Bill was straight.

Did finding out he was gay somehow change my view of him? Dipper thought to himself.

He pushed the thoughts from his mind, deciding it was best he didn't ruin their friendship.

Dipper got up and got ready for school, putting on his clothes for the day, making sure to cover up the large, hand-shaped bruise on his arm with a hoodie. He silently slipped into the bathroom to see the damage done to his face.

As he expected, bruises had formed, giving him a black eye.

Dipper fixed up his hair with his fingers and slipped his hat on.

He wished he had makeup or anything to cover up the bruising, but because of his lack of money, he had nothing. Not even a pair of sunglasses.

So he was forced to leave the house and walk to school with his black eye showing for everyone to see.

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Dipper walked up the steps and into the school building, debating on whether or not he wanted to try and find Bill before class.

Usually, Bill hung out in the courtyard outside the art building in the mornings and Dipper went over and hung with him and Pyronica, but Dipper didn't want Bill to see his black eye and question him about it. And possibly even make the connection between his late arrival home and his father. Dipper did not want to drag Bill into it, fearing it would only get Bill hurt in the process.

So he decided to skip meeting Bill in the morning and just head straight to his locker.

As he walked he slipped his headphones in, hitting shuffle and letting the first song play, Teeth by Five Seconds of Summer.

He made it to his locker, grabbing his notebooks for class.

As he was zipping up his backpack he heard voices behind him. He figured it was a group of students walking behind him so he ignored it.

After a couple of seconds, he felt a hand on his shoulder, making him flinch, his earbuds falling out.

"Woah there, no need to be all jumpy, it's just me," Bill said from behind him.

Dipper turned around, keeping his head down so his hat covered his eyes. 

Sorry. You scared me. Dipper signed.

"No need to be sorry. I probably should apologize for sneaking up on you." Bill said.

"Were you late this morning?" Bill asked.

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